A place where children can be taught for free so later the government can squeeze as much work out of these sorry brainwashed people as possible, and then when they die they can just be charged for their death. School is also a good place to get your self respect and self-esteem to forcefully be torn out of you.

see also death camp, torture, pain,
,and self hate
i went to school a happy child, and i came out a social wreck.

thank you school
by public friend August 8, 2008
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School, a time that you spend working for your headteachers so as to get decent grades for when you work for your boss. So that you can retire at an old age and use your svaings to watch daytime TV in a rocking chair. Then die, happy and content with the knowledge that you passed some of your GCSE's.
Step 1. School
Step 2. Work
Step 3. Retire
Step 4. Die
by Work Ethic July 31, 2011
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"Do I have to go to school again?!"
"I'm going to kill myself if I go to school again"
by Brisimonetti November 12, 2014
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A place that wastes energy and is a dungeon from hell, also 48% of what you learn is fucking pointless.
School: hell
P.E: pointless exercise
Tests: waste of time and brain power
lunchtime/recess: the only good thing about school
teachers: adults that love to torture kids
grades: honestly why do we need them
approved devices in schools: a nice way to cheat on tests and look everything up
bullies: under-confident idiots who find joy in others pain
by Makeacreativenameyoudipshit November 12, 2020
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A prison where teachers and staff claim to teach your kids but instead brainwash children and teens and force feed them food cheaper than socks off of craigslist. Not only that they give tests with concepts that the class hasn't ever touched upon. Teachers use that tactic to knock your kids done to grades such as F's and give parents/guardians the ability complain about grades and punish their kids. That teacher will never be caught.
Mom: (looks at test) AN F!? YOUR PUNISHED
Kid: (crying) M-mom! My teacher never taught us that!

Kid: ( goes up to room) I HATE SCHOOL!
by wazzip July 17, 2016
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A hellhole controlled by the government where you you learn crap meant to last until the next test, by which time you probably fucking forgot the other useless information. You may get a computer but it’s controlled by the school so good luck posting kickass drum videos like I totally did in the 6th grade. If you wear a Pantera shirt people start looking at you funny like you’re fucking retarded. It’s wonderful. If you ever get addicted to weed it was probably from some idiot exposed to you thru school.
Dude, school fucking sucks. They need to fix it or make recess better. I hate al those stupid kids at lunch. It sucks butts.
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a place where they try to stuff un-important, useless information into your brain
he: i am sick of school
she: yeah they stuff all this information about health and sex education into my brain
by sugarpop515 September 26, 2011
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