12 definitions by Brisimonetti

"Do I have to go to school again?!"
"I'm going to kill myself if I go to school again"
by Brisimonetti November 12, 2014
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when you have an obsession that you can't control of saying yo mama jokes
billy: "hey sean will you help me wi...YO MAMA SO FAT SHE BROKE THE STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN"

sean: "so you still have your yo mama syndrome I see"
by Brisimonetti December 7, 2015
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"what's your name?"

" \_(._.)_/ "
by Brisimonetti December 7, 2015
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when you have music on, you're in the shower, and you dance. also a great way to break your back!
"did you hear?"

"hear what"

"brandon broke his back!"


"he was dancing in the shower"

by Brisimonetti December 7, 2015
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when you have music on, you're in the shower, and you dance. also a great way to break your back!
"did you hear?"

"hear what"

"brandon broke his back!"


"he was dancing in the shower"

by Brisimonetti December 7, 2015
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