Have your bed facing a door opening while a girl is giving you a blow job. Then when your buddy opens the door with out her knowing to take a picture you give her moose antlers right before the picture is taken.
The guys laughed when they saw Jack's picture of Frank giving some girl the moose.
by DriveBySpanking September 5, 2006
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Originated by GI's in Japan. Moose is GI slang for the Japanese word Musumei which means girl. Some Japanese girls use it as slang for theri vagina.

Properly spelled Musu

My wife is Japanese this usage goes back 60 years
GI to another "You should see my little moose".
by Otiose January 30, 2008
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Most frequently describes an unattractive person. Also used as a general soft insult.
Do you find her attractive? No she's a total moose.


You moose
by Sam Nicholas Elliott June 1, 2006
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One of the coolest (and strangest) animals ever. I also dont know what the plural is! Meese?! Mooses?! Moosi?!
Person #1: "wow look at those mooses!"
Person #2: "it's meese you idiot!"
by Teabagsyum November 9, 2006
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moosing; the act of extending one's lower lip then rubbing it upon another human. this is rumored to lock that moment in both of the involved people's heads forever. the person doing the "moosing" is called the "mooser." as a noun, the act of doing it is called a "moose." the leftover saliva on the other person's skin is referred to as the "moose juice." if sanitation is an issue, you can always "blow a moose" by extending your lower lip, opening your mouth slightly, blowing, and guiding it with your hand in much of the same way one could blow a kiss.
Wow, that was the moosing opportunity of a lifetime!
by imoose November 29, 2010
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Being made to look bad by an ex or somone you have hit on getting with someone uglier then you
you hit on a girl she rejects you then you see her getting off with a fat guy, then you have been moosed

if your ex girlfried starts dating a guy who is uglier then you
by ADJMETT June 27, 2011
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To have sex in a verry loud and obnoxious mannor. Also spelled moosin'.
Hey bro did you hear what happened at the party last night? Some guy was in the room moosing some chick!
by Sakotheking December 1, 2013
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