The first wiggers- along with the black people were discriminated in the USA and lived in poor housing.
Ever heard the saying "No nigger, no Irish" -All over the USA!
by i dunno? April 15, 2005
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A race of people who have come under attack by the ignorance of people (mainly living in America) who believe that due to their partial lineage back to the people of Ireland, are somehow "Irish", even though they have never even been to ireland. It is beleived widely to be a form of embarrasment or a way to escape the uninteresting and often boreing fact that these people are card holding americans whos mothers and fathers were born here as were they, and therefore have none of the crudentials that would validate and irish citizenship.

Ireland is also known to those who have lived there for its kick ass Fish and Chips and pride in Thick, rich, day-fresh guinness.
Jane Callahan: Hey did you know my great grandmother was irish so im a total 'Mic! LOL! Plus i have freckles which *EVERYBODYS got "over there"!*!!!1!11 el oh el!

John Doe: I feel bad for *Ireland*
by dashdanw August 24, 2006
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Definition/Usage: Usually said when you think something is awesome...
Background: Comes from the Matt/Manda term Irish,meaning awesome, and -ness, meaning "over the top"
That is so totally Irishness, bizzotch!!
by M@ April 26, 2005
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An overly stereotyped group of upstanding individuals.
"We're the first ones drinking, the last ones standing, we're the only friends you got, while we're laughing and singin' your ears are all ringin', I guess we're everything you're not!!"

-"The Last Ones Standing" by Ceann (an irish rock band)
by fuhreak August 1, 2009
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a word the vikings used to name the people that lived in the place they called ireland
the irish live in ireland, by jiminy!
by zebedee January 21, 2005
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1.We live on a godforsaken island entitled Ireland
2.We do like drink but not all of us are Alcoholics
4.Built New York
5.Invaded by the british see Chav or Chavs
6.Capital city Dublin
7.Fun loving attitude
8.One of the most highly educated workforces in IT
9.Mostly Racist hahaha ;)
10.Im irish and your not muahahahahaha
How's a goin there paddy!
Would you look at that black n'tan!
by Patrick [ ToXikfb ] January 2, 2005
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