The name given to your over obnoxious female friend that only uses her phone for texting. And believes that texting her ex-boyfriend isn't just as bad as calling him.

See also: Emilio Textevez
Tell Gloria Textefan to get off my nuts and put her phone down!
by techjunkee January 23, 2010
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Being a complete slut hoebag, in the literal sense. where one cheats, lies, and leaves hickeys on your bestfriends boyfriend.
"you dirtbag you just were "Pulling a Gloria" for sleeping with your best friends boyfriend".
by Nicole34 July 23, 2006
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A Dirty Gloria is when you get a dirty penis when you are using a glory hole. It usually results in the giver rejecting the penis by not doing anything to it.
Guy: Dude, so the other day, I was kinda feeling like getting a guy off, so I went to the whore house and got a Dirty Gloria!!

Other Guy: Aww man! Sick! You wanna see my dick?
by proxstoner July 3, 2010
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The place to hang out and shit but we just go to drink some hot chocolate and get a bite to eat and then go out and get piised and the place to work out what we are guna do in the night.
Tommo:Oi josh lets go to gloria jeans
Josh: yeah ay i fell like a hot chocolate and we will work out where to get pissed
by Darren Thomson April 28, 2005
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Seventies slang for The act of self-gratication using toothpicks.

see also Estefaning
and Gloria Estefan and the Angst Machines
You kids would'nt know Doing The Gloria if it came up and smacked you in the face!
by Chad Valiant February 2, 2004
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-A hobbit of a President residing on the Philippines.
-She betrayed previous President ERAP and became President.
-On the reelection she ran against FPJ (bestfriend of ERAP, also the Action King Actor in the Phil) and won though most people think she cheated her little ass.
-Talks like a snake.
-Greets Manny Pacquiao everytime with a LIVE telecast (it has to be LIVE, for her PR).
-Greedier than pResident Evil MARCOS (waaay to greedy).
-Attention grabber.
-Even tells the Media she has Diarrhea... DIARRHEA!
by etchua October 9, 2007
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