A skin roll on a belly or back or a name for someone called abby
Ah look at my flab OR flabs r u coming tonigt
by Flabs February 28, 2020
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What you have a lot of.
That guy has a lot of flab. Geez.
by FLisztS140 June 8, 2021
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He’s/She’s always asking someone else to do something for him/her. What a FLAB!
by Roogotjokes October 19, 2021
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Flabs - Slightly visible abs covered by a thin layer of fat
Dude I hit the gym yesterday check out my flabs
by KumaTsuki April 14, 2017
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section mod in kanye discord. simp for some asian girl named lin and about 2 be banned from ariana grande discord. says he and lin are dating but we all know that is a lie.

also, he does not like brockhampton as much as lin.
Girl: wow, is that Flab?
Flab: no
by bhdzddy May 1, 2020
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Flab Is when your fat makes the shape of abs but in reality you are still fat
by Audreydictionary January 5, 2017
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