The n-word also known as nigga or nigger
What a Einstein”
by Kittylover915491 August 2, 2021
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Scomo when he decides that he is minister for everything.
Pedestrian News Headlines: "Hon. Einstein is now minister for everything. WHAT A BLOODY LEGEND"
by Daniiboyy12342644 October 22, 2022
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1. Extremely clever, possessing the qualities of a genius.

2. Unnecessarily complicated, i.e: only Einstein would know what it would mean.
1. "Wow! She's so einsteinic, she could go to Harvard University."

2. Information is then taken from the vibrations the ear drum makes by the malleus, incus and stapes, which do mad, einsteinic calculations we probably don’t know about...
by farclose April 23, 2017
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Billie Bertha Einstein Rodriguez Domino (Júimeño) was a popular singer song writer in the 13th century. She wrote and sang top hits like “Mango Tango,” “She took it,” and “Mama Huevo.” She lived to the age 122 and died in the 14th century. Her original family name was pronounced Júimeño, but she legally changed it to Domino because of the petition her Fanclub started, stated that her last name was “too ethnic.” Billie was often considered a symbol of art. Her signature short bob shag haircut was often the stated reason. She had a signature look she gave people when she was “tired of their crap,” referred to as “the Billie Bertha Einstein Rodriguez Domino stare.” Many consider Hana Khan to be the 21st century equivalent to Billie in looks, but others will argue that Hana can’t quite get her stare perfect.
Uh oh, don’t look now, she’s giving you the Billie Bertha Einstein Rodriguez Domino stare…”
by saayuuii June 12, 2023
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When u deliver a perfectly timed & calculated upper cut with the right mathematic power and angle to knock someone the fuck out!!
They should have stopped fuckin with Einstein to bad he reached a boiling point and gave that bully a Albert Einstein upper cut but dammn u see the form.and momentum I'm shocked his head dident fly off!
by MXC_KENNYxBLANKENCHIP November 16, 2014
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Albert Einstein was a German mathematician and physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity. In 1921, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. In the following decade, he immigrated to the United States after being targeted by the German Nazi Party. His work also had a major impact on the development of atomic energy. In his later years, Einstein focused on unified field theory. He died in April 1955 at age 76. With his passion for inquiry, Einstein is generally considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century.
Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany. He grew up in a secular Jewish family. His father, Hermann Einstein, was a salesman and engineer who, with his brother, founded Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Einstein & Cie, a Munich-based company that mass-produced electrical equipment. Einstein’s mother, the former Pauline Koch, ran the family household. Einstein had one sister, Maja, born two years after him. Einstein attended elementary school at the Luitpold Gymnasium in Munich. However, he felt alienated there and struggled with the institution’s rigid pedagogical style. He also had what were considered speech challenges. However, he developed a passion for classical music and playing the violin, which would stay with him into his later years. Most significantly, Einstein’s youth was marked by deep inquisitiveness and inquiry.
Hey have you read the Albert Einstein Biog (biography)
by Probably a racist October 8, 2023
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A sexual act, when you have your tongue wide and crazy eyes .
"hey dude, Me and my girl were so toasted, i totally einsteined her"
by Cryzaak May 19, 2021
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