just swell ... ................
due this burger isnt hurting my heart enough, here sprinkle cocaine on it
by Jessen Fox March 17, 2005
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Shoving as much cocaine up someone else's ass then sticking a straw up their anus and snorting out all the cocaine
Oh man I gave Sheniqua some great cocainal last night we got so fucking high, it was great
by BUBUBUBU July 27, 2015
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Cocaine, but originating from Columbia, and then moving from Texas to Mexico.
Rick: "We need 24 miles of Cocainer"

Mr. Strauss: "I disagree"

Mints: "I need some of that!"
by Trevman42069 December 23, 2020
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The reason my ex boyfriend is exactly that. It is the reason he ignored me for over a month, and the reason he ruined everything we had.

A drug that ruins relationships.

The reason my ex boyfriends friends and family have to be worried all the time.
"he hasnt called you? he must be doing cocaine. im sorry.'
by mel_pookiebear December 7, 2008
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cocaine is fucking good when pure like 1 REAL gram should get u fucked if u sniff a line every 10 min, i think it should be legal
i am just happy i am on coke and not on other shit sometime
by drugdenlsd May 12, 2005
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What people use to get high and slam their heads into the walls and other people's balls.
Snorters of this drug tend to snort other things such as, crushed smarties, crushed goldfish crackers, and many other things. Now if you dont want your balls crushed, I advise you stay away from me and other cocaine do-ers
Bruh pass me some of dat cocaine that shits my booger sugar
by Stepbro robby May 18, 2020
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in addition to being a hell of a drug it also happens to be the last name of a college student. he is a crazy son of a bitch and loves to smoke, cigarettes and weed. He has one hell of a cough and prefers to eat cigarettes rather than smoke them.
by mr.cocaine September 20, 2010
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