The burrito changes which side is scalding hot or still frozen based on which side you bite first.
When I bit into the burrito it was scalding hot, but when I finished the burrito it was still frozen. This happens every time no matter what side you bite into with Schrödinger's burrito.
by Master Chank April 15, 2020
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To take a crap with the consistency similar to that of a burrito or as a result of eating burritos.
"That day began like most others for Achim. He got up to shake a burrito, spanked his monkey, and left for work..."
by "I don't know" May 31, 2009
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It's when you lay toilet paper into the bowl before you do a number two. Once you flush the toilet, the poop gets wrapped up like a burrito as it gets sucked away.
Dude didn't do a poop burrito. This stall stinks.
by Number two in your heart June 5, 2019
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when you use someone's butt cheeks as a tortilla and fill in their ass crack with burrito fillings--pinto beans, shredded chicken, salsa, sour cream, and perhaps a special sauce from their anus-- and then eat it.
Timothy was upset that Tina's butt burrito didn't have sour cream in it, but he ate it out of her ass crack any way.
by chimericfalcon September 2, 2010
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The emergency sled the ski patrol uses to drag your wounded body back down the mountain. It gets its name because of its yellow emergency coloring and the fact that the ski patrol wraps the wounded person up.
Dang, Sarah fell took a dive and can't get back on her skis. We're going to have to bring her down in a ski burrito.
by Diva ~D~light January 10, 2009
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A type of burrito, eaten by people named Scotty, consisting of a penis wrapped in a tortilla .
I heard he ate another Scotty burrito last night.
by philperkins August 15, 2018
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A delicious and mythical burrito found in Mexican eateries, also known as a Cali Burrito. It is native to Southern California, especially San Diego. The California Burrito consists of carne asada, cheese, sour cream and French fries or potatoes rolled into a flour tortilla. Guacamole may be substituted for sour cream, though this not a true Cali burrito, just an imposter (known as a Cyrus Burrito).
"I almost had a heart attack while eating a massive California burrito last night!"
by daasnescreek March 21, 2006
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