When you have the perfect level of drunk and high making you feel out of body and one with the universe.
Bro I just hit the avatar state with that last brew
by Geo L. February 22, 2015
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Avatar Palace has a lot of people and has a site, it is the biggest Palace Server that is lasting as far as the Palace community.

It is lasting as much from the year 2000, as it use to have 400 members now it has 200 members.

It is still thriving and going great. (avatarpalace.com:9998)
guy1: Avatar Palace is the biggest server with 200 people!
guy2: it use to have 400+ people!
guy1: yes times have changed..
guy2: palass.net has all the info
by White-Liez September 7, 2009
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Avatar flipping is when you combine 3 hits of acid with 3.5g of mushrooms. And fully surrender to the world around you.
Chewy: Hey bro why has Jason been acting like a shaman all day?

Tim: He was Avatar flipping last night and saw the flower of life.

Chewy: So the padawan finally gets it?

Tim: We shall see.

Jason: Tim!!!! (Give giant hug) you wont believe what happened.
by Spacebiscutchewy December 31, 2021
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The ultimate wake-up routine consisting of shower (water), drying your hair (air), making strong coffee (earth) and lighting a joint (fire). Specifically in this order.
Laura: How are you feeling this morning?
Josh: Great! Was difficult to get up but i'm ready to start the day after my avatar routine.
by vglleo November 23, 2021
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Based on the the rise, plunge And forgotten popularity of the movie avatar. An Instance when something, especially media,(film, tv, music, book, game, etc), becomes the biggest thing in the world and then vanishes just as quickly with little or no cultural legacy or lasting footprint.
Mary thought avacado toast was the biggest thing ever and ate it all the time, but then the avatar effect happened and now a year later she never eats that and barely remembers that was her thing once.
by V date May 29, 2020
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A very good avatar account that has a very good admin and Instagram page. Another great thing about her is she interacts with her followers.
1. Hey did you see that avatar._azula posted
2. Yeah I did the post was so funny
by Bluerazberry7 May 25, 2021
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when someone is depressed about America's movie Industry.
"Hey man, did you hear that Avatar has made 2 billion now?"
"aww man, now I have the Avatar Blues."

"Did you hear the Keanu Reeves is set to play Rama is the new Ramayana movie?"
"damn, you just gave me the Avatar Blues."
by notasistuba February 10, 2010
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