A young lady with blonde hair who kisses random people during truth or dare.

She is outgoing, creepy, and tastes like worm.
Rob: “OMG I kissed Autumn last night! She tastes like worm!!!
Harolyn: “What? I kissed her too!!! AND she tastes like worm!”
by Stephen G. G. August 28, 2018
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She's really hard on herself, and acts as if she is ugly. But in some way she's a bit vain, usually has blond or brown hair. She's got few friends, and loves singing. If you break her friends heart she will break your face. She also might break your neck if you try to sleep with her.
Guy 1: Autumn is so pretty, and her voice is so talented!!
Girl 1: Are you leaving me for her???
Guy 1: Guess I am.
Girl 2: Be careful she might break your neck if you try to sleep with her
by MOOvies September 30, 2018
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Did you know Autumn broke up with her girlfriend 3 times ? yeah she’s the toxic girlfriend
by bigbootybighoe September 16, 2020
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Can be a real bitch and sometimes doesnt know that and she also cant stop her friends
Wow its autumn i heard she broke up with jake
by Liam43526 October 3, 2020
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She likes females and dosnt have a life.She is the most pitty girl ever
Autumn is A lesbo
by Autumn69696969 April 16, 2018
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A girl who is blonde. She is usually a panromantic asexual. She has greenish brownish eyes. She is somewhat chubby and insecure. She may be suicidal or depressed. Autumns are usually very smart and artistic. They tend to shop at Hot Topic and be anime nerds. They love pastel colors. They tend to spend most of their time on youtube and quotev. They like to cosplay. Autumns tend to be very shy but once you become friends they have a very unique and hyperactive personality. They usually don't have many friends. Autumns also tend to be somewhat popular online and have more internet friends than real life ones. They are very trustworthy, and can have two friends that absolutely despise eachother and the girl would still not be in any drama. Autumns also tend to be people pleasers.
Guy 1: Did you see that blonde girl in the anime tee?
Guy 2: yeah she must be an Autumn
by TheAnimePotatoChild December 22, 2017
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