A Brazilian/Puerto-Rican twat, that loves dick in his mouth, usually gay, he goes for big black man and LOVES shaving their pubic hair off so that he may use it to stick it up his butt. He gets boners from teletubbies, and masterbates too kittens, he makes holes in watermelons so he can insert his shlong and cum in the watermelon then eat it, andys are also tall and hairy, they listen to rap , and suck at basketball, they also love stick barbie outfits up their nose and crying to their mommies, generally, andies are FAGS .
person 1: yunno that kid andy?
person 2: the one that masterbates too kittens?
person 1: yeah
person 2: oh, yeah he's a fag
by YouAreGayAndy August 2, 2011
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Biggest fucking dickhead ever. Likes to suck dick and take it up the ass. Also enjoys cake smeared all over his body and wrapped in plastic wrap. Will fuck anything when drunk even if its a cow. Enjoys shopping at Baby Gap for tiny hats, and IKEA. Future plans are to be eaten by Mike Curtis, reference Cannibalism, if not he will be a poor, mentally challenged, college dropout, hobo. Oh also a failure at hockey.
Dude I pulled a Andy last night and fucked that fat chick while I was slightly inebriated.
by Rake Phart April 10, 2010
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A person who has never peed in the shower. Is generally afraid to urinate in said bathroom because they feel the toilet monster will get upset and clog their bowels, and they insist on urinating in a toilet since it's right there. Obviously the shower is more convenient because no flushing is required.
"If I pee in the shower, the toilet monster will clog my bowels! My mom will kill me if we buy anymore constipation medication!"

"Relax, you're such an Andy. Just pee."
by manwhourinatesinshowers February 25, 2010
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a large ugly jewish person similarly resembling a duck
you're such and andy
by werji June 6, 2009
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A funny and humble guy. A guy who likes to act homosexual and be homosexual. Often know the language Java and scripts for games like Runescape. Hangs on IRC, often on the network StrictFP. His mentors name is Polyurethane. Andy loves his mentor.
Hey you see Andys new script?!
Yeah man, it's fukkin awesome.
Yeah I know, I made shittons of gepee from it.
Fuck yeah!
by Polyurethane July 27, 2011
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A gay male that enjoys drinking cum from a dog dish

Has an anime fetish and never does his homework
A: Are you gonna hang out with Andy tonight?
B: Nah, that kids such a loser, who'd hang out with him


A: Let's go beat up Andy
B: The loser? Sure
by Noola January 4, 2010
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Synonym for biggest douchebag around. He is the guy who will tell your gf anything you do and will tell her she can do better. Mind you this is supposed to be your buddy. He make Liberace appear straight with some of the gay stuff he pulls. Usually has a beard and a weight problem. He is also scared of school children because they throw stuff in the classroom. Also will not have sex with his gf, most likely because of small penis
Yo, my buddy just told my girl about the other girl I met at a party. He was a typical Andy.
by rod cardhart February 6, 2010
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