k. the people that wrote all of the stuff before me are wrong. He WAS born an austrian, but after the army, he changed his nationality to german. He didn't just kill jews, he killed the johova's witnesses, homosexuals, mentally/physically disabled people. He also killed every 1/3 of the gypsy population in Europe. That would be like killing every 3th latin-american. He DID NOT attack Russia. His army got about 100 miles into Russia when the harsh winters killed most of them. They retrieted only doing minor damages to villages. POLAND was NOT willing to aacept him. He believed that ALL POLISH PEOPLE were bad. No matter what religion you were, if you were polish, you were sent to a concentration camp. The most famous camp is Aushwitz in Poland. It was the most effective camp and could kill about 10,000 people in 48 hours by means of gas chambers, firing squad, or starvation. If you know anything about geography, Belguim and Germany surround France. France held on as long as he could until they finally surrendered. That was as far west as the Nazi reign got. They were close to taking england as well. Bombings and airial attacks made londoners retriet to the outskirts of England. On December 7th, the U.S. was attacked by Japan that made the U.S. apart of the war. They saved England and worked westward and eastward to surround Germany. When Germany was on the verge of surrendering to the allies russia, u.s., u.k., france, china, canada, Adolf Hitler commited suiside, taking his mistress and her 5 kids with them. He poisioned the children and her and hitler shot themselves in the head. there is a lot of contraversy if he lived or not. Records show that he fled to California. I dont kow. But please dont post shit if you dont know what youre talking bout.

Stupid idiots who dont know anything insist on talking about Adolf Hitler as if they know what theyre talking about.
by gypsy gal August 4, 2006
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Not change, Resurrection. Vote Hitler. I mean Obama.

Hitler gave great speeches, too.

"Hey man you see Obama's speech on TV last night?"
"Yeah, that guy seems like the chocolate Adolf Hitler more and more everyday."
by XcupcakeX January 23, 2009
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Barack Obama

Both Hitler and Obama were confronted with an Economic Crisis. Obama has moved forward with the Nationalization of the Major Industries in this nation as his Answer. First Banking. Now Auto. Next Healthcare. How is this any different than Hitler's solution which was to do the same thing?
Obama is running in the worst economic times known to us since the Great Depression. Hitler did the same thing with the same answers to his economy that Obama has for our economy. Spread the wealth. They both were treated like celebrities in their countries. Are we repeating history? Barack Obama seems like the Chocolate Adolf Hitler.
by not found [Error 404] June 5, 2009
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The Leader of The German Worker's Party which later became the National Socialist, or Nazi, Party. Wrote an autobiography entitled "Mein Kampf" (or My Struggle/Battle) describing his national extremist point of view and intense hatred of Jews and the "Jewry", which they brought about. A man "mit grosse Probleme und kleiner Mast," as his close commrades Rommell, Hess, and Himmler often quipped in the midst of the second World War. In 1944, after losing ground in Sicily and the Italian mainland, he realized that his pointless war to prove that Deutschland truly was "uber alles" would most likely falter. In 1945, he blew his fucking brains out because he finally realized that his mind was his own worst enemy.
Heil Adolf Hitler (Herr Fuhrer)! Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!
by Mike Potter September 8, 2005
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NO!!! Although some may believe Hitler was a Jew that made 100s of paintings that’s wrong! Hitler was just an average man on a black farm in the 1960s.
Is Adolf Hitler a Nazi? NO!!!! He’s a farmer!!!
by Definitely not Hitler 🥱 December 30, 2022
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The guy who is allergic to nuts but still bothers and risks stealing your "Nutella". He also killed millions of Jews and started wars... P.S. You could of just searched up Adolf Hitler....
Adolf Hitler leader of Nazis always steals John's "Nutella" because he has the most.
by gnarlybra101 September 28, 2014
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According to the Broadway musical The Producers, Adolf Hitler's full name.
Franz Liebkind: *Wagging his finger* Never, Never, Never!
Leo Bloom, Max Bialystock: *Flipping Franz off* Never, Never, Never!
Franz Liebkind: Dishoner ze spirit und ze memory of Adolf Elizabeth Hitler.
Leo Bloom, Max Bialystock: Dishonor the spirit und ze... Elizabeth?
Franz Liebkind: Jah. Dat vas his middle name. Not many people know zis, but der Fuhrer vas descended from a long line of English qveens.
*long pause*
Max Bialystock: Is that right?
Leo Bloom, Max Bialystock: *shrugging* Adolf Elizabeth Hitler.
by nacerak July 27, 2006
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