This might be the title forigen countrys give us because we always get are noses into there bussiness. And push are democratic belifes on other countrys(iraq), Instead of worrying about other countrys. I think we should worry about our selves first(ghettos,econmy,crime,drug abuse,homeland security.
by g000000000000gle bob October 28, 2006
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A phrase yelled by a person who has just had their entire world destroyed, figuratively of course. Commonly, My World! is yelled when another person directly causes this indiscretion.
Cory: Ok Matt, just one more cup and we go undeafeated at beer pong tonight.

*Tommy sneeks in a bounce to win the game*

Matt: MY WORLD!!!
by Mr.Party April 16, 2010
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This is when you are in either high school or college and you are going out with people from 3 or 4 diffrent grades
Luke, the senoir is going out with a freshmen,sophmore, and a junior at the same time. He is pimpin the world
by luke pearson December 9, 2003
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*black people have rights*
nazi: wow this only happens in a clown world
by bam8080 January 8, 2021
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The most retarded and pointless techno song ever made. It does quite stick in your head and it is a catchy tune, though. Lyrics contain "Around the World" repeatedly about 150 times.
Russell: Did you hear about Evan last night?
Chris: No, what happen?
Russell: He's been listening to around the world again.
Chris: Oh shit...
Russell: Yeah, he committed suicide last night. He couldn't take it.
Chris: Jesus christ, not again.
Russell: Fuck that song.
by shmockey April 22, 2005
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You better watch your pansy little asses because one day America will rule your bitch-ass country.
Except for Iceland... Because they rock. Norway too.
by 3inchguitar October 27, 2004
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Ryan is a kiddo who makes childish videos that makes people love his videos, his mom really like his dad and really rocks for no reason and the dad is so Japanese and he always sound like and make anime.
Person 1:Hey do you ever seen Ryan’s World?
Person 2: Yes my little brother acts like him for pretend.
Person 1: Nice
by Phu The Writer November 23, 2021
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