A guy who sheds his ass hairs into his victims throats
Oh did u guys see Micheal Richards aka Churd at the party
by Nibbajews September 22, 2020
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Tall, almost towering, large features, arms, legs. Beautiful heart. Kind, usually reserved about sharing his feelings. Although he is able to communicate well, he feels much more deeply than he speaks. Only those that are close to him will ever really know him. Will see 'it' through even if he is unhappy, his commitment unwavering. Will make many mistakes believing he has made a 'wise' choice. Realizes logic does not bring happiness. Falls in love only once, usually shocking (completely different upbringings) to him. When he does find her, he is relentless in his pursuit. However, it is not calculating, unconsciously he maneuvers his actions to allow himself to be with her. A strong, powerful force, a positive energy, other men are always questioning, "what's so great about Richard?". Spiritual leader. Excellent lover, very good with his entire body, making women fantasize about him regularly. A very thick, yummy kisser. Richard is a kind, good, lovely, beautiful, sweet, aggressive, sensitive man with a consecrated heart. Richard is super sexxy!
by cuhknormalmn July 28, 2017
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to be kicked in the Richard is a reference to being kicked in the dick.
Micheal cheats on Mary, Mary give mike a nutcracker then shouts "you've been kicked in the Richard"
by 9ine 6ix September 20, 2018
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Alternative to openly calling someone a "Big Dick."

Grand = Big, Richard = Dick.

It is a corruption of the nickname used for Richard which is Dick. Likewise a Dick also was a slang term for a Detective (either Private or police) However being a corruption of an old Nickname this term is an insult.

Likewise this can be used to make a compound insult such as saying someone is being like Grand Richard's Cranium. That is calling someone a 'big dick head.'

The insult can be more condescending saying "Grande Resharde"as if you were using a French insult.
Example 1:
"Hey, I don't give a rat's ass what you think."
*"Just proves here who the Grand Richard is, now don't it?"*

Example 2:
"You missed a wonderful staff meeting. I got to meet the new boss. The guy HR is replacing James with intends to shake things up here. He is a Grand Richard for certain."

*"So your telling me he is a big dick?"*

"Throbbing, erect, and purple headed. I seriously think the guy has an ego the size of Texas."

Example 3:
"Stop acting like a Grand Richard."
*"WTF does that mean?"*
*"... >o<!"*
by Fractious1 December 29, 2017
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richard esteb is is the holy one. The resurection of christ. so sexy but bad at the same time. This combonation will make all the women wet
look at that richard esteb. He makes me want to make 4 massing modles
by ashton ortega March 14, 2018
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Guy 1: Is that an earthquake

Guy 2: nah thats just Darius richard
by random person2334566354 August 23, 2023
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