Fairly plausible
I can vouch for that fairly fairy that it's not just airy fairy pie in the sky type of thingamabob.
by Hercolena Oliver August 29, 2008
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A stupid vehicle, typically driven by dudes that like penis. Commonly used to refer to squatted trucks
Look at that, found another Fairy Wagon. Why do people squat those things anyways?
by professional_retard September 7, 2022
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The party fairy is someone who cleans up the aftermath of a party when the hosts are still asleep.

The party fairy is also the opposite of the beer fairy.
Host of the party the next morning: "What! How did it get so clean!"
Person the host doesn't know was the party fairy: "The party fairy must have done it!"
Host: "Oh you!"
by brrota February 23, 2014
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Someone whose task mainly involves typing in data that may or may not include markup - e.g. XML, HTML - as well.

Contrast this to code monkey, whose main task is to type code, as opposed to data.
Oh, just pass the translations in the 18 languages to our input fairy, she will put them into the XML files in no time.
by numbeten May 23, 2011
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A gay person who involves themselves in trains, orgies, and gangbangs with obsessive frequency.
"Steve your such a Train Fairy" "shut up Pete you cum guzzler you have no room to talk!"
by Po Boy June 19, 2017
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In short a A typical asshole whom welds on natural gas pipeline for work. Biggest bitchy crybabys ever met. Name Is derived from the combination of horrible welds and the mix of shit vapors emitted by workers mouth.
I'm firing that damn spark fairy his welds are as shitty as his breath.
by Damndirtydean March 29, 2019
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