A game that allows you to build, (creative mode), survive in a world(adventure, survival mode)
by hayden0422 January 12, 2021
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4th grader 2- SURE :D
by Pxptartzz April 10, 2019
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A game where you can fun destroy blocks kill the ender dragon also I heard that they have hidden versions check out Minecraft.net to find out or Mojang
Minecraft is a cool game
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A type of mine sweeping boat during the ww2
British sailor: oh no there's a german seamine on the way
British sailor #2: dont worry we have the minecraft
by Entry_point_An_dRe1 December 18, 2021
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There's a drug out there, it's dragged thousands of people into this endless world of building blocks making structures. Those said to have played the game haven't went outside, instead spent their time locked in their basements placing block after block to create a structure. Best stay away from this drug kids, you don't know what it could do to ya.
Minecraft drug dealer:"Hey kid, want some drugs?"
Kid:"What kind of drug?"
Minecraft drug dealer:"Minecraft drug"
Kid:"Load me up!"
Later that day
Mom:"Come up stairs, dinner's ready!"
Kid:"I can't I'm playing Minecraft!"
Mom:"Well turn it off!"
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warships of various types whose primary mission is laying or sweeping mines
The fisherman spotted a minecraft in the sea horizon.
by EasilyEumo November 3, 2021
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