International Standard Business Time is a "time zone" that does not change based on location. This time is the same throughout the planet. If it is 10:00 IBST in Moscow, it is also 10:00 IBST in Texas. IBST allows international companies to sync with each other. It is most commonly seen in the 24hr format- I.e. 00:00 is midnight. IBST is the same as GMT, but as earlier stated, is recognized globally and does not depend on location.
We've set a meeting with all the GMs via Skype conference for July 11th at 1300 International Business Standard Time (IBST).
by Biochristy August 7, 2015
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On April 25th everyone and their momma sock the shit outta this MARK ass Tyson. Eventually when you knock him so hard and gone not wanna have international Tyson day again. (And while beating him up step on his shoes)
Yoooo!its international beat Tyson’s ass day!

Yessssss let’s go. I’ve been training all year for this fooker to jawed.
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International Rammy Day takes place on the 1st of November every year. Rammy is a famous character based off the Anthony Ramos who's birthday is today. On International Rammy Day people are expected to curl their hair and sing like sheep.
Person 1: Yo, why your hair so curly?
Person 2: It's International Rammy Day!!!
Person 1: Aw fuck, I better go curl my hair now and sing like a sheep.

Person 1: Happy International Rammy Day!
Person 2: Yo! You remembered too!
by Saenovi November 1, 2018
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A holiday in which you can, without consequence, shout vulgarities at the moon.
International Yell At The Moon Day takes place on November 14th.
by MaybeARealWord January 13, 2022
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International sportyli day is celebrated on first of February, Not only is it a sportyli day but also a birthday of the sportyliest person in the world tatia.
-happy international sportyli day dude
-Thank you!
by kudukadaa January 31, 2023
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a day where molly and david’s join together in celebration of their love and happiness
“oh yeah it’s international Molly and David day so I’m meeting up with my bf today to celebrate!”
by mpypop July 26, 2022
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International Bleach Day is made to celebrate the invention of Bleach on 18 November, thanks to Claude Louis Berthollet, the grandfather of Bleach. Who doesn't enjoy drinking Bleach, am I right guys? Guys? Are you guys there?
Jonathon: 'Hey Jim, where are you?'
'Jim? Are you there?'
25HourNews: *A man was found dead by his mother in their house. Police suspect he had committed suicide by drinking the 1 litter bottle of Bleach found in his hand. This is the 19th body to be found so far. Police are suspecting something big, like a mass suicide due to a phenomenon of International Bleach Day or something much, much worse. This is 25HourNews, reporting to you live from the Austrian town of Fucking on 19 December 2019.*
by Microwaves For A Better Future October 30, 2021
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