The time of the year when ameture body builders attempt to reconstruct their flabby asses in the gym with excessive protein shakes and loud and obnoxious remarks about their new "accumulation of "gains".
Joe: I'm going to the gym!
Tony: why?
Joe: it's beef season!
by Kevin money December 31, 2015
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A phrase usually used for banter clubs such as Manchester City, Paris Saint-German and Arsenal. This is because they can never win the champions league and call it a mickey mouse trophy because they are tinpot clubs.
Bayern Fan: We beat you in the champions league 💀 your club is a joke
PSG Fan: Whatever there’s always next season
by YourAverageBrit September 22, 2023
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taking your best friends hoodie just to annoy them or if your really close maybe something more
girl 1: i’m cold

girl 2: it’s hoodie season go ask someone for theirs
by somethingintresting October 14, 2019
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Second Season Syndrome comes the week or few days before the playoffs (also known as second season) in major sports, especially when the media coverage starts to become more prominent. It's when fans get so excited and over anxious and start to go a little crazy, and can't wait till game day. It is something only true sports fans experience, as they are extremely loyal fans to their favorite sports teams.
It's Thursday and Second Season Syndrome is starting to kick in.
by Shley Diddy January 13, 2011
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A phrase for when tipping in dogecoin is more common. Whether it is tipping season or not is usually semi-reliant on it’s value. When doge is trending at a higher average people feel more inclined to tip friends, strangers, and workers doge coin.

Despite its name it can happen in any season. Don’t be surprised when it hits $1 and you find people asking if you have a crypto wallet. (.37 as of this post June 4th 2021)
“Did you hear James got tipped 50 doge last night??”
“Yeah, I got tipped 10 at work earlier. It’s tipping season so a lot of people are tipping dogecoin.”
“I wish I had a wallet my friend offered me some last week. Apparently dogecoin started as a meme coin and ended up being a lead coin.”
by Grey.003 June 4, 2021
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the season where you listen to the song escapism. the season starts at the end of november and ends at the end of january.
time: december 1st

then you start listening to escapism
by wandamaximoffismilfhornyslut October 29, 2023
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