1. A crap so fierce malodorous that its roar odor can be heard smelled throughout the entire jungle house

2. The reining king of craps
Dude, do you have any spray? I'm about to unleash a Crapasaurus Rex in here.
by Dr Urich June 5, 2015
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why are you regularly mentioning the space probe OSIRIS-REx in a conversation
why do you need this definition
Person 1: OSIRIS-REx is currently flying back to earth to return samples from the asteroid named Bennu
Person 2: what the fuck
by snazzy ostrich September 26, 2022
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why are you mentioning the space probe OSIRIS-REx regularly in conversation
like seriously why
Person 1: did you hear about the OSIRIS-REx mission to the asteroid named Bennu
Person 2: what the fuck
by snazzy ostrich September 25, 2022
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When you are so drunk that your knees fall into to the teepee position (imagine a giraffe trying to drink water spastically). Your arms then tuck into your body and you assume the T-Rex position as you gobble along on the dance floor.
I think I just saw a dinosaur on the dance floor... the bloke must be in T-Rex mode
by Dogshitsomething December 7, 2017
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Refers to a very large penis.
I want that T-rex to devour me.

You’re just more prey for the T-rex.
by BobTheGod515 January 19, 2023
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A house pet that is extremely loyal to its owner. It has four legs and can differ in color. It is totally not called a dog.
T-rexes are mans best friend
by ser see swee February 4, 2021
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a dinossaur that is too salty and keeps making walls of text in other people's videos. what an asshole.
dude, can you stop being such a Tiranosour Rex?
by Stupid Server Owner April 22, 2017
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