1. another word for hypocrite
2. any girl in any relatioship.
3. your sister, mother, grandmother, girlfriend, wife, greatgrandmother. they are all the same
4 typical worse when there hole is bleeding, one would think the blood is coming directly out of there brain
5 another word for cunt

a. it was your fault i sucked his dick.

b. huh????? your a girl who cant be wrong

a. you had to work and i was lonely

b. huh????? wtf.

by jolychaly October 17, 2006
The kpop titans that made countless records despite them being held back by their misogynistic company. Yes, it's Blackpink
Who paved their own way and did not kiss any men’s ass!?

by Blackpink paved their own way September 13, 2020
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the coolest phrase the CNP made up all by herself and now is commonly used by the wilson children now:)
"heyy wat r yall doing blah blah blah"
"where was it?who was there?were there egg's?"
by sausage and eggs April 6, 2008
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Another way of saying, who farted?
I was sitting in the front rows of the cinema when I heard someone down the back yell, "Who let the dog out?"

"And then people ran screaming from the back row, as if a bomb had gone off!"
by The Moody Poet October 29, 2006
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A man who you may or may not be involved with. Regardless of your relationship in real life, in your head, he’s yours. You can say “my man” and your friends know exactly who you’re talking about even though this man has no idea.

In some cases, this term can be used synonymously with “Situationship.”
Ally: My man just texted me.
Sam: You have a man?

Ally: I mean, he’s my man who’s not my man.
Sam: Ohhh, gotcha.
by Alyx $ky January 19, 2022
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rape is a crime that involves forcing someone to have sexual intercourse with you. While it is generally seen as a crime committed by men against women, it can be committed by anyone against anyone, and later on people finding out you were never raped and you cried rape which is an all to common occurrence in today's society.
hey Nicole did you hear Brianna got raped?, no turns out she lied and became the girl who cried rape
by kyro the happy bear December 6, 2020
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