Donald trump it's the racist 45th president ever known.He acts like a little baby that needs to be supervised.He is also not the smartest of all time.
Damn guys did you see the stupid decision Donald Trump made.
by June 15, 2021
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He is a fat ugly mother clucking pedo ass lookin chicken, a big disgrace to the world 🌍 and this is him 🍊


Lmfao he is tho
Person: what is that ugly orange walking thing

Person 2: oh that’s Donald trump he was the president I think he is homeless now well he should be.
by Im_a_pickle_bruv November 15, 2020
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someone or something pulling off an unexpected victory
"Damn dude, did you see when the scrawny kid beat that Chad earlier?"
"yeah man, he totally pulled a Donald Trump on us"
by a Donald Trump June 4, 2019
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A oral sex act in which a girl/guy gives you a blowjob and then proceeds to let you blow it over their face. After this has been accomplished you reach into a bowl of Cheetos crunch them in your hand and throw it onto their face. If you say “incredible” or “unbelievable” it will most likely enhance the act.
I was in my parents room when me and sally did “the Donald Trump” it was unbelievable!
by Slobknob247 March 5, 2019
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a very sad excuse for a human being
a racist, homophonic, pedophile, Cheeto looken ass, oopaloompa body ass hoe
boomer; Donald trump is the best
gen z: hitler was better than him
by drizzle wolf November 1, 2020
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Donald Trump: “I’m gonna make america Great again!”

Junior grimes: dad! I need another million dollars, my pop star career didn’t takeoff again

Donald trump: ugh, come here son


Trump: *enters Mexican restaurant*

Donald trump: honestly, I can buy EVERYONE CHEESE DIP

everyone else: ugh


Donald trump had his own son junior working for him during the early years of the election although this remains hidden to most of the public


Junior Grimes is the son of donald trump
by Righteousridicule February 6, 2022
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