A super swaggy street calling gangbanger.
“That’s a baby eater if i’ve ever seen one”
by Dog\|/ater_25 January 16, 2023
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1)One who does us all a favor by eating these tiny, ugly, gross, screaming pieces of crap
2) People who eat babies on the regular
Bob: Hey, Jeff are you a baby eater

Jeff: HELL YEAH! I even won in the baby eating contest
by Human slug March 11, 2020
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A follower and member of eater nation, a follower of @voideaterr on twitter
by voideaterr June 30, 2023
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A knob.
Jack: That guy over there is such a knob.
Dad: Don’t say that Jack. Do you know what a knob is?
Jack: Yeah. It’s a picky eater.
Dad.l: Nah mate. It’s the end of your dick.
Jack: oops…
by Andos Hastos December 25, 2021
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A vibrator that tears that hairy shit up.
Misty got really excited to use her new sweater eater tonight.
by John Yinzer December 29, 2016
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A hurricane that literally eats land, land disappears after hurricane impacts, ocean replaces low lying land
The land eater, Ida, consumed large areas of the Louisiana coast.
by PsychicPotHead August 28, 2021
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Someone who’s cool and awesome and sexy and awesome and amazing and so cool and also very sexy
wow there’s that quirky bread eater, i always knew they were very sexy
by sew your fingers together November 13, 2021
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