Thor's rival who stole Thor's hammer and makes fun of said norse god by calling him "Thor the Whore". A carpenter in/from the pits of Hell. The alter-ego of one Kooter Ray Cyrus. Also known to be drummer for the infamous metal band known as Mayhem.
Hell Hammer: Hey man, I'm hammering Hell!!!
by Curtis "G. G. Allen" Lovejoy August 10, 2006
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Totally relaxed and chill, a.k.a. hella mellow.
Girl 1: So I hear you scared off George Clooney with your repeated text messages.

Girl 2: Whatever!! I sent him like TWO texts. It was hells mells!

Girl 1: Whoa, you need to mellow out. You know George Clooney scares off easily.
by newsvava February 12, 2009
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Found in fanfiction and roleplay, the complete opposite of a Mary-Sue. A Hell-Sue, unlike a Mary-Sue, has a horrible relationship with most every character and is generally an average person, or a strong being with weaknesses like a villain of sorts; unlike a Mary-Sue which is talented, beautiful, immortal, powerful, and has a PERFECT relationship/romantic involvement with the canon. A Hell-Sue may have one or two romantic interests but the story does not revolve around it. Some Hell-Sues are killed in their stories.

Not to be confused with an Evil!Sue.

Male form: Hell-Stu
Kiyi's relationship with Archer and Kimbley can only be that of a Hell-Sue; they're always trying to kill each other.
by Kiyi-chan April 2, 2007
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me: i really don’t want to rot in hell
jimmy: yeah i don’t like school either
by some girl🤪😜🤪😜💅 October 17, 2021
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The worst hell in existence and home of the Shit Devil.

What deems a person worthy of being thrown into Shit Hell is purely subjective.
Karl: "Turns out I'm gay."
Josh: "Also turns out you're going to Shit Hell."

Ethan: "If you don't put Jason Christ into your heart, you'll go to hell, and if you don't allow Ted Haggard to dip his tip, you'll go straight down to Shit Hell."
Jesse: "And if I marry outside of my race?"
Ethan: "Shit Hell."

Jasper: "I broke the law by going 57 in a 55."
Tommy: "You'll be hanging out with the Shit Devil soon enough for that!"
by ChristCrayons July 6, 2012
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Fickle in love? Fuck you cunt. What do you know about being a friend and being a faithful lover. You're a fucking bastard. To hell with you and your inhumanity
by love_maiden August 3, 2014
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Typically English phrase, still used a lot today and personally my favourite saying. It's pronounced 'bloody ell'. Should not be used by any other nationality.
"I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until next week to see the bank manager..." "oh bloody hell" *angry face*
by MsSocialist April 13, 2007
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