Ohio is a state you can visit that is in the Midwest, it was also settled by french people.
Friend: Want to go to Ohio?
You: Sure!
*After flight.*
You: Woah it's so beautiful!
Friend: I know right?
by EMONIORON January 23, 2023
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a state in america that became a meme that died in 2022
by yar 07 September 22, 2023
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" a cursed place with demons lurking and crazy shit happening in every second; Used to describe something weird or cursed."
This goofy ahh food is from Ohio
by #crazyshek December 30, 2022
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A place worse than hell. A place where satan fears. a place that is the fear of the midwest and a menacce to the entire solar system.
Holy fuck, Ohio is starting to invade illinois, and is coming for wyoming
by looteaston12 December 19, 2022
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Ohio is a state that once existed, but was eliminated.
Ohio will be eliminated - a sign seconds before ohio was eliminated
by UN|kn|OWN September 5, 2019
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Ohio is pretty much a state that people say is cursed or scary and is inhabited with monstrous animals.
"Thy state Ohio is cursed" or "Cant even sleep in Ohio"
by (: ɯoɯ ɹn January 7, 2023
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When Wonka leaves you a gift on your chest

Wonka left a Ohio Slammer all over me while I was sleeping

by Jewbaca June 11, 2022
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