Malte is one of the most underrated names. He is the worlds coolest person and everyone should obey him. He is the strongest in his friend group and is the best in every sport.
“Malte looks so good today”

“Malte is so strong I want his dahri in me
by CEO_of-urban-d1ctionary November 23, 2021
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Malte is that one person u think u will never meet. He is hot and really reallyyy perfect. He will always make u feel like a real princess everyday. If is not from his smartness he is a real good looking guy and if u meet Malte u should really get your time to know him, because he will treat u like his bae.
“Omg u know what? Today I meet Malte and he is the most perfect guy i’ve ever meet!”
by From W❤️ October 10, 2018
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Malte is a boy from Sweden who has light brown hair and blue eyes. He has a lot of friends and gets a lot of girls. He is very kind and everybody loves him. He is a bit shy in public, but with friends, he can do almost anything. Malte is very handsome and has extremely good looking hair. Most important, he has a lot of girls.
Malte is that handsome guy over there
by Maltemist Alkoholist December 12, 2016
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Malte is a sexy guy whos very well trained with a sexy sixpack and perfect face.
Oh my god look at malte hes so hot!
by Spicy taste November 24, 2017
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malte is a very very hot and attractive Boy who has the prettiest smile ever. He is very tall and Looks very cute und you want to cuddle him all the time!! He Loves it to Play kendama and he is very talented. He also likes soft pillows . malte has a very nice Style an He is such an Inspiration!!! He is an amazing and lovable boy and If you know a malte Then never drop him!
oh wow He is so talented ....that must be a malte
by deinSternundso November 21, 2021
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malte is a very tall boy with fluffy hair,He always looks super Stylish with his stets mega bunten trainingsjackets! He Loves it to Play kendama and drink a trinken out of a glassbottle because ih Plastikflaschen. He is very hot and talented and he has a very cute smile! malte has very nice hands and everyone wants to hold them!! he looks very Kuschelbar and U want to cuddle If U See him. He is such an Inspiration!!! If you have a malte in your Life Then never drop him!
omg who is that hot boy!?... THATS Malte!💜🏁
by deinSternundso November 20, 2021
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This is a name for a booze-loving male person. He does love alcohol, even when he wakes up the next day
His name is malte.

So he loves alchohol
by Racists FKN SUCK May 27, 2020
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