when you have to pay to use the bathroom you make it a point to piss everywhere except in the toilet/urinel
"Hey Jimmy, 30 cents says you can't hit the top of the mirror"
by Buzzsaw Jones March 17, 2005
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A french expression representing the large size of someone's nose, regardless of the gender.
Holy shit, did you see that madame large nez over there?

Yeah, that's my mom...
by twigyboi February 5, 2019
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An attractive French female. So named for the ham, cheese and egg sandwich with which she shares her nation of origin.
Jim: Damn, look at that fine piece of French chick go.

Jam: That's a good croque-madame, that is.
by Jovian09 January 17, 2010
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One who gets the most out of life through endless jars of peanut butter and a party of cats.
Sandy: Yay! After work I get to go home to my Skippy Extra Smooth and all of my adorable kitties!
Billy: Wow...Madame Hippo!
by Earl Annie Edna July 22, 2008
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A blogger whose main way of communicating is to avoid facts by making snide remarks and personal attacks, rather than debating facts.
Carla is Madame La Snarque at BO.
by Lord Beaverbrook December 24, 2009
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1. A very simple palindrome, a phrase that can be read forwards and backwards the same way, that is being used by people with very little imagination, in order to sound smart.

2. A line from Weird Al Yancovic's song, "Bob".
Teacher: "Can anyone give me an example for an palindrome?"
Student 1: "Race Car"
Student 2: "Madam, I'm Adam"
Weird Al Yancovic: "God! A red nugget! A fat egg under a dog!"
by LforLight October 24, 2009
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