a band comprised of four 9th graders

four hotties

the best posse around

a mix of vocal and "instrumental" talent
"hey its the red popo lice. i heart them"
by a_fan_o_da_band January 16, 2005
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A far more resilient cousin of the common head lice. Legend has it that almost a year ago, a colony of ordinary head lice were threatened to be removed from the hat they called their home and making a high school boy's head itchy after picking it up off the ground and using it. To prevent their untimely demise, they learned to swim and developed gills to survive the viscous waves of a home washing machine. They were successful, but the soap made them blond, or in scientific terms, albino. Only humans who are a afflicted with an albino water lice infestation can comprehend the existence of this species, and leave all others who they plea for help to utterly confused.
The Albino Water Lice swam about the laundry machine with joy, ready to victimize the high school boy for many days to come.
by Saxasylum August 25, 2010
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The people who work for credit card companies and scam all the money out of people they can through many fees and fines.
those credit card lice are taking all my money.
by Deep blue 2012 August 15, 2009
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1. A statement used to cause delay and panic in nearby listeners. 2. A canned phrase to cause instant awkwardness to all in the immediate conversation.

Note: Can be interchanged with phrases such as that's what she said, and doesn't always have to be used with "and" at the front.
Person 1: "Hey, so I saw one of those AWESOME green saint patty's day wigs today at the store and tried it on. Did I say that it was awesome yet?!?"

Person 2: "...That's how I got lice."


Person 1: *walks into conversation by Person 2 and 3*

Person 2: "...And that's when she went all buck wild on me. Her hair was EVERYWHERE!"

Person 3: "That's pretty awesome!"

Person 1: "And that's how I got lice..."
by Sillick March 2, 2011
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Steve: Sup john hows it going

John: not good just got diagnosed with bussy lice
by angryboobs September 3, 2023
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When people be spreading rumors that you got crabs or some other fungus in your nether regions...
“Maaan...I got a lotta bad Pube-lice-ity right now...this girl been saying I got mad crabs to everyone”
by Johnny Lasagna February 24, 2021
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