What a grandpa blue mustang causes the senior citizens to do
Wow that is a nice depends dropper there, it will take first in the car show
by BH6500 January 18, 2021
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Someone whose hair is the only most 'attractive' part of her/his overall body, people love hairdependent-people because of their 'hairstyle', not because of their 'body' or 'face'.. Their body/face is usually ugly as fuck.

e.g Sarah Jessica Parker, George Clooney, Niall Horan, Harry Styles, 99% of the female-models.
Jennifer: god, niall horan is so sexy

Kate: he's hair-dependent. only his hair is sexy, his face looks like a baked waffle wtf
by CharmScorp July 2, 2013
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A 1990s and 2000s movie trope. A diversity token to attract black audiences. Usually the black BFF is unknown to the general audience, but is an A-Lister in the black film scene. They, be it he or a she, offer gems of wisdom with a little urban or southern flair, and sometimes they can even save the day.
I wonder what that black actress from The Unborn is doing right now, she was so hot! But also, a great example of a dependable black friend.

Oh, you mean Meagan Good? I think she's married now..
by Oddkidd1 July 4, 2023
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"Yo man, where is John at?"
"I have no idea, that horny bastard is probably dippin depends" - GA

Guy asks his buddy, looking at an old lady."Hey, what do you think, dippin depends?"
Buddy says. "man, your low"-GA
by redstreak January 19, 2010
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A hypocritical corporate phishing /data mining scheme, that demands an employee surrender personally identifiable information to third parties, while at the same time demanding security for the companies own proprietary data. It is sold as product to corporations by data mining companies as a way save money, at the expensive of causing disgruntled employees through potential identity fraud.
Damn, I just got nasty-gram from a dependent verification audit firm demanding my families information. Fucking hypocrites, I would feel safer shopping at Target.
by Northern Europian thug March 31, 2014
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An extremely rare and expensive pre-workout known for causing buff bro Chads to vape and paddle spank other bro Chads in between sets. Consumption typically results in workout gear consisting of double layered petticoats with lace ruffles for sweat absorption. Post workout protein replenishment while using is always cornmeal mush and raw halibut.

Historically, it was given to members of English parliament on the verge of abandoning British rule. Side effects included wig theft, debauchery of other Parliament members wives, violent masturbation using raw cod oils as lubricant, and long periods of blackout followed by awakening naked in the tents of rival Native American tribes.
Chad Bro # 1: "Hey bro, did you see Tom at Planet Fitness spanking everyone in that colonist outfit?"

Chad Bro # 2: "Bro, you didn't hear? He got a hold of that Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Dependence!"

Chad Bro # 1: "Fuck yah bro! I hope he got Earl Grey flavor."

Chad Bro # 2: "Nah bro, he's on that cornmeal mackerel ."
by TJeffWorkout January 10, 2020
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