When the vaginal moisture, or essence, of a woman post-coitus (or as a result of self-fornatication) begins to coagulate. Can be served as a midday treat a la pumpkin seeds.
Wow, Rach, your diddle curds are delicious this time of year. Are they homegrown, or did you get them at a farmer’s market?
by ididitallfortheloiriii8 June 11, 2022
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A glass bottom boat augmented with a chilled quart of cottage cheese.
Janice wasn't impressed with my attempt at a glass bottom boat - so I upped the ante with a steaming Hot Curd.
by Narpets September 7, 2015
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Someone who knows a bit too much about cheese
"Dude, Jack is such a curd nerd!"
by His psyeudonym August 20, 2020
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toilet curds are formed after you have a long night with your significant other (you know what i mean) and you feel like your poo cannot come out so you sit in the toilet and it doesnt come out so you twerk on the mirror and finally you sit back on the toilet and little curds of cornbread start pouring out and finally you call your dad and he comes to help.
last night i had so much fun with my grandma (you know what i mean) that i got toilet curds this morning, well this afternoon cause i slept in till 3;00
by bummy holey January 28, 2018
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To crap one's pants on accident (see: shart) whether from a strong emotion or from second guessing how long one can wait until using the bathroom.
Todd tried to sneak away to the bathroom, but after laughing so hard everyone could smell his error curd.
by Blancblanquisimo February 8, 2022
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A total let down. You know when you get the cheese curds at the carnival and you drop one…you don’t want to eat the dirty cheese curd. A dirty cheese curd is a disappointment.
Person 1 “Hey how was your date last night?”
Person 2 “She wouldn’t put out; she was a real dirty cheese curd.”
by Davey Fakename August 17, 2023
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vaginal secretions, something you fancy eating after a night litening to minimal techno
" i want some biff curd on toast"
"geez a swallae of yer biff curd"

by shlurp12345 October 28, 2008
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