A word used to describe something excellent, originating from indie legend Miles Peter Kane. Usually followed by an 'X', it can be applied to nearly every situation. Followers of @mileskane on instagram will be able to witness daily examples of the word in use through his story. May also be Liverpudlian slang.
"Crispy loafers X"
"Crispy in the pool X"
"Fuckin crispy X"
by memeturnerz December 29, 2018
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A dude's overused, unwashed, funky briefs (Jockey, BVD, Fruit of the Loom, etc.) that often feature a stripe of shit.
My man's crispy drawers been lyin' on the bathroom floor for a week -- they smell like welfare butt and government cheese.
by NiraMillson October 4, 2016
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A hippie that has been tasered into submission.
Hippie 1: I said "What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?" Then he tased me. When I regained consciousness I was in the gladiator pen at the LA County lockup with a yellow post-it note on my chest that said 'Crispy Hippie.'

Hippie 2: Let's go have a big bowl of crunchy granola.
by BcozTheNite March 28, 2008
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Someone who can be classified as an asshole that gets roasted through the 6th dimension.

Popularized by Youtuber Mythymoo as an insult towards another Youtuber, Kevox.
Dellado: Hey Myth, look at this play i just made
Myth: Is it good?
Dellado: Yes!
Myth: Stop lying to me you crispy motherfucker, the only good play you have ever made was getting into America, and you still have scars from that day
by DomTheDomo October 20, 2016
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A (typically domestic) beer kept in the crisper drawer of a refrigerator because the door is full of Pepper sauces and the shelves are filled with steaks.
Hey, Nance, toss a crispy boy out here to Chad while I show him how to grill these T-bones.
by Chuckie_Lows July 27, 2018
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A crispy croke ...what else can I say?

Only KnJers know what's uuuup
JC: ...
Kian: cRisPy cRoKe fOr mY cRaCk dAd
by crackasscrackdad October 23, 2019
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Crispy news refers to any information regarding someone that is newsworthy. It is a much stronger word then gossip.
Do you have any crispy news about Mevani?
by Ethi26 December 21, 2010
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