💕😜bungee🍬gum🤩🤪contains🥵the💯📏properties🏫🍭of😻both✌rubber⭐and💧gum🍬😺you see😃🤧 Means 💕😜bungee🍬gum🤩🤪contains🥵the💯📏properties🏫🍭of😻both✌rubber⭐and💧gum🍬😺you see😃🤧
Person 1: hey!
Person 2: 💕😜bungee🍬gum🤩🤪contains🥵the💯📏properties🏫🍭of😻both✌rubber⭐and💧gum🍬😺you see😃🤧
Get the 💕😜bungee🍬gum🤩🤪contains🥵the💯📏properties🏫🍭of😻both✌rubber⭐and💧gum🍬😺you see😃🤧 mug.
When you have stringy poop that doesn't disconnect when you take a shit leaving part of the shit dangling from your anus.
Dude I took a huge dump last night but it didn't cut. Man, I was totally bungee dumping.
by teddybearslayer102 October 19, 2015
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When someone eats some sort of string such that when one takes a dump the shit is formed on the thread of string, and when exiting the anus performs a bungee jump-like action in the toilet bowl.
Hey dude I was watching the fishes in the aquarium and i ate a string and my shit was totally bungee dumping!
by teddybearslayer102 October 10, 2015
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The act of doggy-styling a partner in a collar and leash near a window. After finishing, you pick them up, with your dick still inserted, then throw them out of the window, having their leash still in your hand, and tugging on it making the leash go ‘Boing!’, snapping their neck instantly.
Johnny: “Hey Fred! I did the Bungee Boink to Stacy last night!”

Fred: “What the fuck is wrong with you
by dongerMcWonger January 30, 2020
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A permantely erected dick
Bro, your mums a magician, since i banged her, i got a bungee penis
by Dicky88 March 22, 2018
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When a man and women both bungee jump off of a building one after the other, and the man slams his penis into the women's cavity while he's still going down and she is going up. The man is usually charge with murder because the women will die. The man will end up with a broken pelvis.
Jailbird 1: how did you end up in here
Jailbird 2: I Bungee-gungeed the misses
Jailbird 1: So that's why your balls are wrapped up like a f*cking mummy
by Bungee gungeer July 20, 2014
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the act of pulling a tampon out of a menstrating vagina with his / her mouth
tom is bungee cunting mellissa right now !
by brian harber January 12, 2012
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