Whilst driving a 90’s Japanese Sports car that look of satisfaction that is embedded so deeply one could confuse it with adultery
Al- “Yo Davo! Looks like you really love driving your S4 RX7?”
Davo- Sitting behind the wheel, silence, nothing but - Driving Bitch Face…
by Dip1nutNowgit2? March 24, 2022
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Also known as M.B.F. , Masked Bitch Face is when you look like you are in a pissy mood or pissed off despite smiling brightly due to your mask hiding your smile.
Guy: Damn girl I was only saying you look cute!
Girl: Sorry, this surgical mask gives me masked bitch face every time I smile...
by King Happo May 2, 2020
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Any person whose face looks just like the face of your standard bitch. Also used to refer to someone whose face will not stop bitching or is perpetually bitchy
Person A : "Gelo is a bitch face"
Person B : "I think that Noah is a bitch face aswell"
by The Wasteman November 10, 2018
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when a person(s) is being a bitch face and will not proceed to have a positive attitude.
Jessica was being a real bitch face in class today, I wanted to fight her.
by Iloveshawnmendes1234 September 4, 2018
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An expression that is held by someone, typically (but by no means always) a woman. It is characterized by having a very slight scowl in the eyebrows, lips drawn in (sometimes occurred by sucking in the bottom lip), a pronounced tilt of the head, and a slight squinting of the eyes that would convey an expression of slight pain is discomfort. When performed properly, the sufferer should look to be perpetually constipated, and yet for some reason, utterly satisfied with being so. "Smug" is a common way to describe someone with a resting bitch face.

This expression is pronounced in its commonality, as in, it's the most common expression upon the sufferer's face. It is typically a signifier of someone who is arrogant, condescending, obnoxious or just generally bitchy. Commonly seen by journalists or other people commonly on TV.
I don't know how you can watch that show, the anchor has a massive resting bitch face. You'd think the higher ups would tell her to fix that.
by MJM1985 April 19, 2021
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