A child who doesn't have any interests and seems boring, or a child who has lots of interests but acts like they don't so they won't be embarrassed
person 1: look at that kid over there, everyone's wearing cosplay instead of him
person 2: yeah, he's such a boring beige baby
by thequestionable14 June 17, 2023
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A man who's mediocrity is so profound & deep It bares potential to become legendary.
Jordan W was remembered as a man so mediocre it was said he had a beige colored soul
by Beige colored soul February 14, 2019
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Somebody who might moves like a snitch but it’s none of your business.
Do you know this guy with the afro?
He’s such a beige individual.
by Realraprigga August 18, 2021
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A word used to describe the skin color of white douche bags and fuckbois
My new boyfriend is a nice shade of dick beige. So hot...
by Chaos chaos December 8, 2016
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A person of color who enjoys being topped by a white person.
oh yeah, she mostly dates white girls. she likes claire in a beige cage.
by SorryWatermelon July 9, 2021
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It’s the phrase to say when you ran out of better responses.
“I wanna get new rims for my car”
“That’s beige broski
by Boylen707 April 4, 2021
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