Jeffery was great is that one guy who never achieved anything in life and wrote mean shit about a certain group of people on this website
Hubert: hey look that's Jeffery was great
Lia: Ugh, I hate that guy
by GShadowee March 17, 2020
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Weed, marijuana, dope whatever you call it, it fucked up Jonah hill in the movie "get him to the Greek"
"Hit this Jeffery man you'll be flying." "WHY THE FUCK IS IT CALLED JEFFERY."
by Popbottle July 4, 2018
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Someone who is usually up on things or with the business who suddenly acts befuddled or game goofy.
"You usually 100 ,now you actin all Jeffery wit it." or " You can't go in there actin all Jeffery wit it."
by Big D 619 OG May 26, 2023
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A Jeffery is a person who is goofy, yet serious. You can joke around them but they have a serious side in work spaces. A Jeffery usually is 4’0 ft to 6’5 ft. A Jeffery generally has dirty blonde, brown,black, or dyed hair and often doesn’t wear glasses. A Jeffery may also dislike sports and school. A Jeffery also is usually hot or good looking. When you call someone a Jeffery they should be the opposite gender of you, or a close friend or family member. NEVER give a last name when you call someone Jeffery.
omg, he’s such a Jeffery
by LiLeei3284 January 15, 2023
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oh man you done named yo son jeffery?
he gon be the shit!
by drizzydrakefanpage1 April 23, 2022
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typically a loser with no friends, watches social media all day, has bad mental health, and doesn’t watch hamza
What a fuckin Jeffery man.
by adoonnnnissssssss June 18, 2022
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