A show on Current TV hosted by Brett Erlich. Shows video clips from the internet. Teaches you about how to make a viral video in funny ways.
Brett: "What happens when you don't throw the hammer in the hammer throw? This. Aww I didn't get the shot. I expected you to throw the hammer. That's why it's called hammer throw not moron tumble. Either way job well dumb. And that was your viral video film school pop quiz." *does thumbs up*
by !~Cbear~! November 29, 2010
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When annoying and otherwise talentless "Influencers" overtake Tik Tok or other social media platforms hereby brainwashing the media or particularly naive and weak minded people into supporting their trash dancing or hollow content.

-Mini mart
Viral infection

by Gg five December 30, 2021
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A person recording a video in the hopes of posting it online - and it going viral. Whatever is being recorded is altogether unexceptional - it is the one recording that will act as a catalyst to the extraordinary happening. That very content will range from innocent amusing content, to the malicious intent of incriminating whoever is being filmed; often caught in the heat of the moment - acting in ways they normally wouldn't. The viral baiter will more-often-than-not "bait" by antagonizing, mocking, or ridiculing the subject - all in the hopes to provoke a response. The viral baiter is motivated by views and "likes", and that can run mutually with social justice - to expose imperfection as they see it.
"I know what you're trying to do viral baiter. I'm not falling for your viral bait. Go viral baiting elsewhere!"
by HoneyMac April 26, 2021
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anything that is straight up stupid but gets you hyped just cause it gets everyone else hyped, it also appears on the internet out of nowhere and suddenly the whole internet knows about it and is spoken about on every single platform such as the harlem shake, e mannequin challenge, juju on that beat etc
"Da ting go skrrrrrra, pa pa ka ka ka, skidiki pap pap, and a boom boom boom pow, skya"
"are you okey dude ? you're not making sense"
"come on dude seriously, you don't know about it ? its literally viral content now like everyone knows about it !!"
"guess i can't keep up with this viral shit"
by lil take it up the a$$ October 27, 2017
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Dee Viral is the biggest W known to mankind. He is a local TikTok star and he is a goat at wrestling. Everyone that knows him looks up to him and wishes to be like him when they graduate high school.
Person 1 "Hey do you know Dee Viral?"
Person 2 "Yeah man he is my inspiration I love that man."
by DeeTime111 May 14, 2022
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When one is so overly self confident in their personal accomplishments they become toxic to others or merely self destruct.
Bud: Did you see that simpleton lose his marbles over simple instructions?

Dude: He feels he knows all since his resumé seems so substantial.

Eoineo: He has a bad case of the Virals.
by Viralism May 26, 2021
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World Viral Media is a collection of Global images, videos, or pieces of information that is circulated rapidly and spreads widely from one Internet user to another. Join now for free at WorldViralMedia.com
Hey did you See that new Trending Video ? It should be on World Viral Media. Everyone is Signing up to Sharing there Media. So what are you waiting for ? Join Now
by World Viral Software July 4, 2018
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