someone who is addicted to stay in room and sit at one corner doing things he/she likes.
I went out the room, she's there. I came back, still there. Sophia is a corner shredder.
by psychosyopnak October 20, 2014
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A person who is a bully and hurts people's feelings all the time even after he graduates and becomes staff at the school. He also does sexual stuff that people are not comfortable talking about. The person that he talks about usually wants to leave the building. and sometimes does.
A shredder likes picking on a kid and likes to sexually harass them.
by soundtech August 18, 2011
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A shredder is a type of girl who intentionally bites dicks and gets mad for being made fun of for it. A shredder is usually a slut bouncing through different boyfriends bi-weekly.
Fred: "Yeah, me and becky broke up because she found another guy."
Joe: "Its okay man, she was a shredder anyway."
by Yung t8er tot March 8, 2019
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noun, plural - shredders
1. A handjob applied with sub-100 grit sandpaper

2. The losing outcome of Gloryhole Roulette
My dick moulted like a snake from that Shredder I got last week.
by DapperCookieKwest February 14, 2014
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A stupid purse and/or bag that looks like a cat, or has been destroyed by a cat
Can be found at H&M. Example: Shopping at H&M "do you like this bag?" "no it looks like a stupid cat-bag, like a shredder".
by JMAWCGY May 12, 2011
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A man so bald it looks like someone has shredded his head with a law mower. Then finished it with danish oil and wax
Person 1: that guy Freddie is such a shredder

Person 2: Davies is a real shredder though.
by Slutchamber42 May 11, 2021
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