An alternative to the word “star-struck” if your significant other is a theater/cinema star use it as a pickup line.
I saw loay wearing a suit and it had me loay-struck
by Mayo18 March 17, 2019
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Like lightning-struck but with crap (i.e. unsatisfactory)
However, unlike lighting, crap often does strike twice in the same place.
Guy1: You know last year's crap-struck disco party we went to?
Guy2: Yeah it really sucked!
by Raffik October 18, 2007
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State of shock that you get when you meet someone for the first time in real life when only interacting with them over Zoom. Similar to being star struck.
Dude! I didn't know you were that tall! I'm zoom struck!
by September 20, 2022
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The state of shock you get when you meet someone for the first time when only interacting with them over Zoom.
Wow! You're taller than I expected. I'm Zoom Struck
by Cyire September 20, 2022
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The state of shock that you get when you meet someone in real life after only spending time with them over Zoom.
Wow! You're so tall! I'm zoom struck.
by Cyire September 20, 2022
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Person 1 : I honestly think I've found the one.
Person 2: you met her two days ago. You had sex for the first time yesterday. Ya just strap struck
by Jaikai March 25, 2021
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It can be used as an adverb or an adjective.

It is someone who is so fervent and passionate about their mission that they are willing to pursue it to the ends of the earth—even if that means financial and career peril.

These leaders put their money where their mouth is and risk thousands (or even millions) of dollars. But even more striking is the fact that Passion Struck leaders are willing to put their careers or reputations on the line. They are so laser-focused on their mission that they are eager to become pariahs or outcasts in their industries
Steve Jobs was so passion-struck about beating Microsoft, he changed the world in the process

Man, have you noticed how passion struck Mark is about his music!! He is killing it.

That dude is so passion struck man, He is Off to the Races
by SaltnSand June 19, 2020
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