1. The act of walking at a ridiculously slow rate looking as if you don't care about anything or anyone. You seem to have very limited energy from which it is probably caused by meaning number 2.

2. The desire to masturbate at any opportunity when your alone and no one loves you.
1. "Hey man, what are you doing this weekend?" "I don"t know probably just slothing."

2. "Dude why are you slothing all the time?" "Its not good."
by White Strudel Icing April 27, 2012
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a broadski that wheres too much makeup. often hangs around hockey rinks and is the rink managers daughter.
hey johnny i banged that sloth last night after the game
by smitty March 30, 2005
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a very slow person who always gets themselves in fucked up situations.
"man, you here about scott, he got tossed in the drunk tank for pissing on that church school bus"
"man, he's such a sloth"
by jilldo December 29, 2004
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“A ‘Sloth Car’ is a vehicle that you get stuck driving behind when they move so slow while driving, that it seems like a sloth is behind the wheel.”
Joni was about to pull every hair out of her head in frustration while driving behind a sloth car that she could neither pass or go around.”
by Julesheart February 10, 2023
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When your SO (the one who is receiving) hangs up side down from their hands and legs (much like a sloth) and sucks, licks, takes, the D.
"Babe hang like a sloth for me. I want to try the sloth position" -me
by super sloth man October 21, 2014
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Bro last night that hand job was so bad it was like a sloth rub
by KeWl-AiD170 May 26, 2014
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A character, an ideal, an image, representing an enigma of potential misinterpreted by the idea of slothfulness.
"Did you catch that latest Running Sloth production? It was so good!"
by The Original Running Sloth March 14, 2008
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