The news tells you that vaccine resistance is crumbling, or that mask resistance is crumbling, and of course they're going to do that to get more people to do what they want them to. What they won't tell anybody is that vaccine/mask resistance isn't dead or over for everyone.
As long as there are people that disagree with what they're told about vaccines and masks, there will be vaccine resistance. It might just end up being a few out of many, but that doesn't matter. Life is worth losing.
by The Original Agahnim August 2, 2021
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Life being made difficult for the ones resisting vaccines might sway more and more people that were tentative about whether to get a vaccine or not, but it won't sway the ones who have already made their minds up.
Vaccine resistance is only vaccine resistance when it's no longer popular or easy to resist getting in line with someone else's agenda. Until then it's just a number of unvaccinated people.
by The Original Agahnim August 2, 2021
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The weatherman that gives you the impression there's a firing squad in the room with him, and that they're there to kill him, not fire him.
The Hitler resistance weatherman gave an almost Valkyrie caliber performance the way he kept readjusting himself, you would think the cameraman and a couple other guys were about to take aim and fire. The only thing missing was the guy wasn't as emotional as the actor in Valkyrie, that made the difference between him and Valkyrie.
by The Original Agahnim August 10, 2021
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When your eyes get watery and your nose gets sneezy, you're doing great!
Insert the cotton until point-of-resistance. What is point-of-resistance you ask?
by The official Lady German November 10, 2020
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Robustly constructed to "shrug off" much of da assorted bashing, kicking, prying, etc. of furiously-impatient individuals who are not obtaining da desired results from da item being pounded on.
Computers can be so frustrating dat they should be extra-sturdily constructed to be at least moderately temper-resistant.
by QuacksO February 10, 2020
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A crew of members that were made in the Project 2017 war.

Knuckles was the leader of the resistance.
Person A: Hey man, do you want to join the Resistance?

Person B: Eh... no thank you... Seems too forced. Have some random rookie join.
by Sodascho98724 July 18, 2023
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A group of highly organized and motivated good citizens fighting back against the political and culinary horror that is marshmallows.

The first defense against humanities most underrated existential threat!

See Remallowist
You: Hey buddy, you wanna marshmallow?

Buddy: what the heck man you know I'm part of the Mallow Resistance! You know the white trash they throw in those things!?
by Fresh and Tasty May 9, 2021
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