The act of balancing and carrying an excessive number of items at once. Origin: On the Food Network show 30 Minute Meals, Rachael Ray often amuses herself by carrying all of her produce, spices, canned goods, and other ingredients in one trip from the refrigerator to her counter.
"Wow, set something down! No need to pull a Rachael Ray."

"Carrying your lunch and the cat?! That's one impressive Rachael Ray."
by Anneli June 10, 2008
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basically, shes called Rachael not racheal, shes fantastic, and shes mine.
"Im better than you at Burnout3"
by Dur April 22, 2005
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When you're at a party or event and you refrain from kissing, touching, and even speaking to the opposite sex.
Excluding yourself from provocative games like "spin the bottle" or "truth or dare".

This person also is a virgin and avoids situations where there are people of the opposite sex.
This person is disgusted with sexual contact and should probably become a nun.
This person also comes up with stupid excuses to attend social events.
Fred: "Hey, do you want to come to the football game tonight?"
Claire: "No, I'm really sick so I'm going to stay home so that I can go to the dance tomorrow night."
Jake: "Hey, where's Claire?"
Fred: "She's pulling a Rachael."
by bossbitch11 November 8, 2011
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"Rachael Ray" is a slang term describing a woman with artificial, unabashed perkiness, an annoying voice and disproportionate physical attributes that, though unattractive in and of themselves, combine with the other factors in an unholy fashion to evoke the desire to bang her brains out anyway.

Often feeds into latent S&M tendencies. Due to the repulsive nature of having such desires, these inclinations are neither expressed nor confessed, and frequently erupt in fantasies of the oral or anal nature. See also "Mary Hart", "Joy Behar", and "Ann Coulter".
1) "Dude, I saw you out with that snotty bitch from work last night."

"Yeah, I was drunk and went totally Rachael Ray on that booty."

2) "That coked up chick at the bar flirting with you has absolutely no tits at all."

"Yeah, well she'll be talkin' like Rachael Ray once I get finished bouncing my meat staff off of her vocal cords all night."
by Mr. Staypuf November 17, 2009
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When a girl’s boyfriend is fake, normally capping about his life
Guy1: yo that girls peng

Guy2: yeah but she’s a total Rachael Zane
by C9 jible January 20, 2020
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C $’s BFF.

Looks good in a tracksuit.

Sleeps A LOT!
Rachael Davis “loves “ her BFF Carly because she is rad!
by Cmerickel November 13, 2020
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When you roll a 100 dollar bill so tight you can’t get it any tighter. You then snort cocaine through it.
by Megabutcher November 23, 2017
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