Sickness spread when an ill colleague comes into work oblivious to the fact that everyone else will pick up their germs.
Rob: "Where were you yesterday you skiving fuck?"
Jo: "I came down with a dose of Foss Pox"
by Dave October 16, 2003
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A very contagious disease which makes the victim weak, bed-ridden and nearly unable to speak.
I'm sorry Mr. Jimmy Rebel sir, Mr. Uncle Ruckus, he caught the Nigerian Monkey Pox
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similar to the new dehli dot; after anal sex, the guy pokes the girl's face several times, leaving multple shit dots on her face
me and the guys gave this nasty chick smelly chicken pox.
by cgh321684 December 9, 2006
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When some fat bitch has such bad cellulite on her legs that it looks like a bunch of craters like when someone has pock marks on their face from having bad zits in the past. This is almost a disease like chicken pox.
I saw a hoe wearing a short skirt which revealed an acute case of cheddar pox.
by Phil M June 15, 2004
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When a filthy slut is so shit faced that after performing oral sex and allowing her partner to seminate all over her face she passes out before cleaning her self up, resulting in a face full of crusty white spots in the morning
kelly: what did you do last night christine?

Christine: not much really, stayed in, watched a film with my mum.

kelly: oh really? how do you explain the white chicken pox then you filthy whore

Christine: fine! i took a face full spunk last night!
by flangeface March 11, 2011
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Sexually transmitted diseases caught from someone met in a honky tonk. Although not confirmed to exist, the possibility of running into honky pox in the honky tonks is plausible.
We got ritonkulously drunk at the Second Fiddle last night and Jack ended up humping a girl in my bed. I hope she didn't have honky pox.
by broadwaytonker April 19, 2009
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result of being a gamer on the 360. usually gotten by playing call of duty. starts as acne because your gamer ass doesnt have time to take a shower. evolves into a nasty scrotum hanging from your nose. eventually develops into a full length wiener complete with aids filled puss fucks covering face. nastier than a grundle pie .
me: holy shit! what the fuck is on your face?!

benner: i dont know dude! i was just playing black ops and it appeared, like magic!

me: i think you got X-box pox!

benner: i dont know, ive never seen anything like it!

me: ....dont you have a penis?

benner: a what?
by bobobobobobobo7 January 9, 2011
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