Someone who listens to and enjoys all the music of Pink Floyd. To sharpen the definition, since many people don't seem to understand the sensibilites therein, I will underscore what does NOT make a Pink Floyd fan.

1. Anyone who thinks 'Another Brick In The Wall Part 2' is their best song.
2. Anyone who thinks they didn't make any albums after 'The Wall'.
3. Anyone who does not know who Syd Barrett is.
4. Anyone who thinks Pink Floyd is a person.
5. Anyone who can't name the members.
6. And most importantly, anyone who can only name 'Dark Side Of The Moon', 'Wish You Were Here', and 'The Wall' as albums they have written.

Let me go on to elaborate that anyone who likes just popular music can't consider themselves a fan of a band.
Popular Music Fan: Pink Floyd is awesome.
Pink Floyd Fan: Yeah, what's your favorite album?
Popular Music Fan: The Wall.
Pink Floyd Fan: And your favorite song?
Popular Music Fan: Another Brick In The Wall.
Pink Floyd Fan: Which part?
Popular Music Fan: Huh? There are parts?
Pink Floyd Fan: Do you know any of their other albums?
Popular Music Fan: Dark Side Of The Moon and Wish You Were Here.
Pink Floyd Fan: Besides those two.
Popular Music Fan: They put out albums besides those three?
Pink Floyd Fan: Do you know who Syd Barrett is?
Popular Music Fan: Didn't he invent guns?
Pink Floyd Fan: You are not a Pink Floyd fan.
Popular Music Fan: Oh.
by Bryianzum March 5, 2005
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Someone who knows that Pink Floyd put out more than just 3 albums.

Someone who knows that the song is called “Another Brick in the Wall Part II” and not “We don’t need no education”. (Yes I’ve heard people call it).
Someone who doesn’t think Another Brick in the Wall Part II is their best song.
Someone who can listen to all 23 and a half minutes of Echoes and not get bored.

Someone who can name all members of the band.
Guy: so you like Pink Floyd?
Guy 2: Yeah they’re great! I’m a huge Pink Floyd fan.

Guy: what’s your favorite song?
Guy 2: We don’t need no education!
Guy: that’s not what it’s called...don’t call yourself a fan.
by TheRussianHammer July 26, 2017
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The most overrated band of all time.
Dear Pink Floyd:

If I wanted to listen to a 6-10 minute song that has only 1-2 minutes of actual lyrics, or a 1-6 minute song that has incredibly repetitive lyrics, I would either sing in the shower, or listen to classical music.
by Someone who kinda exists January 20, 2022
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Hey man, do you wanna come to my house and Listen To Pink Floyd?

Sure man.
by rollercoasterkid April 22, 2010
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Someone who likes Pink Floyd music, INCLUDING The Wall, for it doesn't mean that it is bad solely because it is popular, you top-rated motherfucker.
A Momentary Lapse of Reasoning is better, though.
Pink Floyd Fan
Me: Are toothbrushes not useful?
Top-Rated Motherfucker: Yes.
Me: Why do you say that?
TRMF: Everyone likes them, they suck.
Me: So you don't use one?
Retarded TRMF: No.
by cpking5 February 3, 2009
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The 30-60 seconds of silence at the start of any Pink Floyd track.
I put on Strawberry Alarm Clock's "Incense and Peppermints" but it has a Pink Floyd pause so I thought my phone had frozen.
by big daddy flim January 29, 2023
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Most people claim to love the band, but they don't know what it means. It is simply someone who has been targeted. Framed, set up to fall from disability, mental illness that is caused by another or society.

Isolate the winner, made crazy
I feel like I'm taking a fall for something that I've already been victimized from...

Yeah, you're a Pink Floyd, sorry
by sugaree33 May 11, 2014
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