The long word for CoDMW19
You: Hey dude, wanna play Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019

Friend: Bro, just use CoDMW19
by EEASAS August 27, 2021
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The new shitty game that Infinity Ward made. It will make you rage out of your freaking mind.
Boy 1 - "Yo do you think that IW will patch mw3 this time around?

Boy 2 - "Fuck he got me around that corner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck call of duty modern warfare 3 imma go get skyrim
by UnDeRgRoUnD KiNg by Drake November 22, 2011
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Activisions next cash cow.

Another shit console game made for brainless casual retards/or consumer. Soon to be one of the most overrated REHASHED games in history along with Black ops and Mw2. With that the CoD series hasn't done anything innovative since CoD4.(Spec-Ops is just a cheap co-op mode) All they do is re-skin, add another very short 5 hour campaign with a lazy horribly written storyline about Russians and nuclear weapons, and add more pre-installed hacks like perks and killstreaks to the MP to unbalance it and dumb it down even more for casual retards..

How to make a Call of Duty game in 10 easy steps:

Step 1: Use an outdated game engine from 2005

Step 2: Insert crappy storyline about Russians and nuclear weapons

Step 3: Design a character that 12 year olds will perceive as "cool" and refer to him only by his mysterious call sign.

Step 4: Kill said character in a scripted event 2/3 way through the campaign.

Step 5: Kill key bad guy in another scripted event involving slow motion

Step 6: Add a halfbaked multiplayer mode. Make sure that there are plenty of glitches and imbalances and good places to camp.

Step 7: Profit.

Step 8: Release overpriced map pack.

Step 9: Profit some more.

Step 10: Repeat steps 1-10 until series has been sufficiently milked dry.(Tony Hawk, Guitar Hero)

Casual gamer: Hey, bro!!! You gonna get Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3?!

Real gamer: Theres no way in hell I'm buying that shit console game.

Casual gamer: Why?

Real gamer: Its just another $60 expansion pack with even more dumbed down gameplay because those money hungry fucks at Activision want to expand there audience. No skill or actual thinking is required at all. Activision is just going to milk this game dry like Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero.

Casual gamer: LOL you PC me games that are better!

Real gamer: Call of Duty 1, Call of Duty: United Offensive, Call of Duty 2, Team Fortress 2, Counter Strike Source, Battlefield series, Half Life series, Quake series, Doom series, etc. Oh....and I forgot Minesweeper.
by Jibby123423 May 29, 2011
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The only awesome game with the words 'Call of Duty' in the title. Sweet graphics, 50 cals, and golden desert eagles and ak 47s all on one cd.
Pony: Aww shit, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is amazing!

Pony2: Hells yeah! I bet Treyarch is going to come out with a game just like this. Only difference is that it'll be world war 2, they'll patch every single glitch, and it'll have some side game, like a Nazi killing game.

Pony: What a bunch of dickless pricks!
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call of duty 4 is the greatest modern and realistic shooter ever made. It completly owned Halo 3 in both multiplayer and single player.
"Want to play halo 3?"
"Hell no Halo sucks, lets play Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare!"
by Comrade Kane November 9, 2007
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A very boring game to watch for the girlfriend.

We don't care about your kill and death ratio. Or how the way you just shot the enemy looked badass. Trust us, there is no need to yell across the house and make us run (doing the most exercise we have done in months) to where ever you are, only to watch your replay of you shooting some guy in the head ("headshot!").
OH, and we don't care about the type of guns you found or got.

There is also no need to play it with the surround sound on...its just the sound of gunshots over over and over. You have already played the game so many times that you could recite what the guy is saying.
Girl 1: " my boyfriends. He's playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2."
Girl 2: "oh man, that's sucks. Has he talked to you at least?"
Girl 1: " Nope, not really... He just keeps yelling to his roommates in the livingroom telling him where he's at so they can kill him for some 'infected thingy'. I could prolly leave and he wouldn't know the difference."
Girl 2: " Damn! Good thing COD can't get them laid or we'd all be screwed"

-- its ok...Chandler, I still love you.
by H loves C February 3, 2010
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The greatest game ever created by infinity ward. It takes over your life and you will probably will never get laid. The further you get in to the game the more it eats your life away. It has a good storyline an d the graphics are gorgeous. And xbox live will change you forever. It whoops halos ass and killzone 2 looks like shit compared to it. If you want to play just add me on xbox live.... grandeRoOsTeR94
Dad: Come on son its time for your moms funeral

Son: Leave me alone DAD! im on a 24 killstreak...will they have call of duty modern warfare 2 at the funeral.
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