KC, is one of those guys that’s all about having a sick Cunt time with the boys. That is until he gets a missus, then he’ll come up with every excuse under the sun even ignoring your calls. Over all he’s a weapon with his head screwed on, just needs to lax it on the simping.
Hey dad I wanna be like uncle Kc when I grow up…
Dad: that’s a good aspiration there sun, just don’t simp as hard and dog the boys.
by Skitz cunt November 22, 2021
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kurwa ciulu
- wyjebalem sie na lodzie
by xvcs April 30, 2020
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I Love You (kc is Polish) but its like ily becouse your friendzoned
Kocham Cię (I Love You!) Kc też (Ily too) = Friendzone
by Youngshaq October 14, 2019
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An abbreviation of: Ok, Cool.
So "K" as ok, and "C" as in cool
Hey did you download that app i told you about yet?

Oh ye I finnaly got around to it, thanks man!

by Eagle Thunder November 19, 2017
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One of the dumbest white niggas you can find dawg
“You see dat dumb shit kc just said.”

“Its kc wat you expect”
by Dontworrboutit July 7, 2021
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A lying jit who uses excuses of the most flabbergasting nature. 10/10 do not recommend being near him. Some say, KC's are known as the cap immortals. cap god
by kevin harts pot handle October 20, 2022
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