Introvert Gang is a personality gang made in 2021 and its rival is the extrovert gang.
The Introvert Gang is Singapore's number 1 best personality gang.
by IntrovertAliff August 24, 2021
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The lack of desire to check up or hang out with people ; even the ones you love the most!
I've been in such an introvert's slump lately, I haven't seen or even texted my BFF in over a week!
by October 22, 2023
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Getting drunk all alone, from the comfort of your own bedroom, whilst listening to music from the 1970's.
Oh, don't bother inviting her, she's an introverted drunk.
by savcanrhyme September 22, 2017
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introverts who are vertically-challenged
"John is an introvertical person!"

"Man, i love introvertical people they're the best!!!!!"
by roschell kellerman August 14, 2021
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An extrovert that is now an introvert (or more introverted) after being stuck at home during the Covid pandemic. Most likely an introvert who still likes to be social but gets overwhelmed easier than they did pre-pandemic.
Jessica has to take a break after a party because she’s now a Covid induced introvert.
by iluvusometimes September 15, 2022
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Not as good as dogs, but much less likely to piss everywhere.
A: do you have any pets?
B: i have an introvert adopted from a library, they're not as good as dogs but much less likely to piss everywhere.
by Dalalara36 February 22, 2019
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wants to be free all the time and isn't good at socializing with people
I'm an introvert who isn't good at socializing
by li`di gaga July 26, 2022
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