A shirley temple with a raspberry liquor, of your choice, added in.
Hey girl, make me a dimpled shirley temple.
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when a bitch is so nasty and anorexic that she has suacer like dimples on the bottom of her back
Man that ho has back dimples?
by dykeassbitch February 19, 2003
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The dimples on a girls lower back. Usually indicates a great fuck. Can sometimes represent a nice ass.
Steve: Man, did you see that girls Porn Star Dimples?

Dan: Yea. What I wouldn't give to fuck her.
by z_trigger February 1, 2010
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to kiss a girl in the special place between her legs
friend 1 :how far did you and Sharon go last night?
friend 2 :i kissed her dimple
by i.went.there. January 23, 2011
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When a girl's chin has a slight upward curve, may be hard to notice at first.
Joe: "Did you see that girl? She had an adorable Tbear Chin Dimple."

Harry: "Dude, what the hell is that...?"
by Lil cdawwg May 9, 2011
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When a person's leg is so fat that the knee appears concave due to fat overhanging said knee.
Wow. That's some knee dimples he has going on.
by mr. statue June 5, 2011
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