A coach that fucks a mom during a highschool coed sports camp and gets caught in the act.
Girl: Did hear what the coach did last night at the camp?
Guy: loLZ that was your mom loLZ what a fag bundy.
by whoisme000 February 8, 2010
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Absolute great lass, he did wonders such as paint the great wall of chiner and also he took very famous photogrephs of viagra falls, also he was my uncle and he....

he fingered the cat a few times , but as i like to say, each to their own
by fannycatcher101 April 25, 2020
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To get shocked or electricuted. This word comes from the serial killer Ted Bundy who was put to death by the electric chair in FL.
(Man working with wires gets shocked)
Dude, I just got bundy'd
by Chris Duenas August 3, 2005
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An absolute cock head. Someone who has no respect for women, calls everyone fat, and thinks hes a pro hacker. He will tell you your father molested you repeatedly, and will stick up for pedophiles. If you ever get called a ''Jake Bundy'' you should probably consider ending your life.
''Dude you're being such a dickhead, I should call you a Jake Bundy''
by Anon101000011110101 June 14, 2017
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When ejecting someone from a venue, to slam them into the wall adjacent to the door before flinging them outside, in the style of Al Bundy dismissing his daughter's boyfriends on "Married With Children".
"Crusher, that loudmouth in the orange shirt has been harassing every woman in the club. I've been more than patient. When you bounce his sorry ass, give him a Bundy bounce to make sure he doesn't come back tomorrow."
by SteveAsat January 15, 2012
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to both bundy and muckle an individual at the same time because each word does not capture the essence of the moment in entirety.

to beat or defeat someone at something, but usually of the owning variety

Person A: Dude, that guy just got trucked at the 25 yard line!!
Person B: Yeah I know. He got absolutely bundy-muckled.
by hugebroski May 6, 2011
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