someone who shops from big-box retailers instead of supporting independent businesses.
Person 1: i’m just gonna buy everything on amazon on Black Friday
Person 2: wow you’re such an amazon basic
by independent business owners November 24, 2020
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Another way to say "you're boring" or "low-class". It's become popular recently largely because of its usage by the character Eleanor on The Good Place.
Basic Ben: Hey Jen, what if the deep state brainwashed us all into forgetting that cereal is just soup, but the broth is milk?
Jen: Just stop, Ben. Please. For your own sake. Ya basic!
by thicquely February 2, 2018
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Someone who is unflinchingly upholding of the status quo and stereotypes of their gender without even realizing it. She engages in typical, unoriginal behaviors, modes of dress, speech, and likes. She is tragically/laughably unaware of her utter lack of specialness and intrigue. She believers herself to be unique, fly, amazing, and a complete catch, when really she is boring, painfully normal, and par. She believes her experiences to be crazy, wild, and different or somehow more special than everything that everybody else is doing, when really, almost everyone is doing or has done the exact same thing. She is typical and a dime a dozen. There are many subtypes of basicness, such as the basic ratchet, the basic sorority bitch, the basic groupie bitch, the basic I'm-so-Carrie-from-Sex-and-the-City bitch, etc, but ultimately, they all share the common thread of being expendable and unnoteworthy and, in some cases, having absolutely no redeeming qualities.
"I've gotta get to Hollister and Bath and Body works for the third time this week, the just announced a new sale! I just don't know how I'll ever fit in that mani-pedi with Amanda and Brittney today. Ugh, I'm just going to call in sick with my period. I need a Pumpkin Spice latte or a Cosmo right now, I can't handle this pressure. Can we go to Applebee's for dinner tonight? ...Ooh, the new Shia Labeouf movie! LOVE HIM!" - basic bitch inner monologue
by Cee Gee May 1, 2014
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A game that looks like pre alpha minecraft on steroids and as hard as passing the balance pose on wii fit it makes dark souls look like doritos crash course 2 if it had a teacher is going to spank you with a ruler
baldis basics in education and learning is a great time for the whole family
by Linkzy June 4, 2018
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A "Basic Raver" is a raver who is basic. It is a derogatory term for someone who listens to extremely mainstream electronic music and/or goes to shows/festivals/raves of the same genre for the main purpose of being part of the scene.

Non-basic ravers are generally nice, considerate, friendly and don't care who is watching, they're usually just getting down to the music.

Basic ravers are usually at shows to be seen, start fights, get fucked up and try to get with scantily-clad, sometimes underage, basic raver chicks. Basic ravers will usually take at least 15 shitty photos and multiple videos of the DJ booth from way too far back to even tell what is going on while obscuring your view and simultaneously not realizing or caring that they're elbowing you in the face.

Basic raver chicks especially love taking selfies and 80% of the time, they have duck face everytime. These photos are immediately uploaded to every social media outlet possible and often tweeted at Tiesto ("I'm pretty for Tiesto!"). The guy loves his fans, but these days he's totally catering to basic ravers.
Example 1

A: Daaaaammmnnnn, did you see that chick with the pasties????

Y: Ya bro, she was smokin' hot! I talked to her earlier and she told me she is a senior in high school and then asked me what a "drop" is!!

A: Haha, I love basic raver chicks!!!

Example 2

Tiesto: I am raking in an insane amount of cash and it is all thanks to basic ravers!

Avicii: Bro, you put in your time being about the music... now it's time to make that $$$$$$$$!! LEVELS BRO!

Example 3

Basic 1: Dude, I am so psyched, my dad just bought me a ticket to Ultra! I can't wait to get wasted and see Avicii!!

Basic 2: Me too! Now let's listen to this sick Deadmow 5 track!
by original basic raver August 20, 2013
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Someone who is unoriginal and does things because others do it.
Me: "Let me look up my name on Urban Dictionary & post it on snap!"
Friend: "No don't do that you'll look like a basic bitch!"
by hahayikes March 15, 2017
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You are low-class boring scum
Eleanor: Face it dude: I'm the best thing that ever happened to you, because guess what Chidi? Ya basic!
by jessbrown March 16, 2020
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