One of the worlds biggest trolls. Probably the most mentioned imfamous person in history. No he did not kill the most people in the world, two other leaders have killed more people. He was the leader of the National socialists. (NAZI) why they have a "Z" i will never know. He burned one of his own government buildings to make his people think the communists did it. See false flag He killed himself in a bunker with his partner I believe he took a poisonous pill and shot himself in the head.
Hitler loved german shepards, wrote a book called Mein Kampf(my struggle). He was a painter, was not good at first but i think he got better over time. Hitler was born in Austria, raised by an abusive single mother. He was raised catholic and was quoted as stating he believed in god and also stated he did not like religion. Some think he was an atheist. We will never fully know.
Adolf Hitler took meth injections to try to help his brain.
by Hawn Gnarley August 14, 2014
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A jewhating guy that tried to take over that round thing. The guy made some kind of sign and the people he was talking to would be standing there with one arm above their hand in front of them. The sign is still used and the nazi's are replaced by neonazi's who mostly hate negro's, middle eastern people etc while Hitler only hated jews and if you look at Israël he would probably like and help moslims.

It's said he's partly jew and some people even say he's 1/2 jew but he isn't more than 1/8 jew and that isn't even proven.

I think even if you agree with him you should admit it's a pretty weird guy cause he was looking for the people he isn't anything like and others he wanted to kill. By the way he was first painting so he had it going on if you see what he achieved if he used it for right goals he would probably be the biggest hero of germany and that people in japan wouldn't die on cancer caused by the weapons of mass destruction america used on them.
Adolf Hitler was not a nice guy and now is used to disrespect people like George W. Bush(Jr) or in The Netherlands: Rita Verdonk and Pim Fortuyn
by 187Crip July 17, 2006
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the person every german-american kid says they're related to after studing WWII in history class.
Joe is a 2nd generation German-American and likes to boast about being related to Adolf Hitler for some strange reason.
by azlongboarder August 6, 2011
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hitler was the dictator of nazi germany from the 1930's to the mid 1940's after he shot himself. Hitler had a troubled life with his brothers dying or running away. Hitler was also abused by his father as a child. At a young age he showed lots of german nationalizim. His father disapproved and beat him for it. Hitler later tried out for art school but failed. After he failed school he moved on to join the german army in WW1. He said that his timein the army was the best time of his life. He finally felt a sense of belonging and brotherhood. After germany's loss to the allies hitler work as a spy for the government to stop communist from rising in germany. Hitler found the nazi party and joined them. As head of the nazi party he went on to work his way into power. Hitler started WW2 in 1939 after the invation of poland.
adolf hitler was a bad man
by The Mighty Kaiser April 30, 2018
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A Nambian politician with a very unfortunate name.
If I was Adolf Hitler Uunona and I recently learned about the Holocaust and other Nazi war crimes, I'd try and change my name ASAP.
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 21, 2022
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A term used by ignorant anti-obama propaganda. They compare the current president, Barack Obama, to Adolf Hitler through their "socialist ideals".

However, people with half a brain will realize the Hitler and the Nazis were fascists. Socialism is much closer to Marxism, although it has many differences. Communism tries to remove all social class while Socialism wishes to distribute it evenly. The poor do the harder work while the rich pay off the majority of the tax, in a nutshell.
Ignorant Youth: Obama is a socialist like Hitler, he's a Chocolate Adolf Hitler !
Smart Youth: No, Hitler was a fascist, much difference. The Czech Republic is Socialist, and since when did they fuck up 6 million Jews?
Ignorant Youth: NO! NO! NO! NO! OBAMA = HITLER!
Smart Youth: Okay buddy, let me re-weld the left side of your model airplane...
by Pandemikk March 7, 2009
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Some guy had some money he wanted to kill Jews or something like that had some dogs or liked dogs so that’s pretty good pretty much had a lot of weapons and killed Jews so I’ve heard

Jack smells like plums!!!
Hey did you hear adolf hitler likes doges or something
by InsaneKayshadog January 10, 2020
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